Thursday, May 27, 2010

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER: regulator or racketeer?

Racketeer sounds more nearly correct.
DOWN IN THE POLLS, Democrats at war with themselves. “What we're seeing here are attempts to scramble out of trouble by members of a party whose big government policies have proved, to their surprise, to be highly unpopular.”

Their surprise, perhaps; not mine.
PUNCHING BACK: Nina Easton on SEIU’s home invasion. Watch both video clips.

I wonder if SEIU is aware that Maryland is a "Castle Doctrine" state. They should think long and hard before trying that stunt again.

Probably not what he had in mind.
THERE WAS A TIME when $5 billion was real money; now it's just pocket change. The nation's public debt, according to the obscure Treasury Department website that tracks it, stood at $12,995,779,490,444.52 on Tuesday, just $5 billion short of thirteen trillion dollars.

UPDATE: Interesting - the debt tracker, supposedly updated daily, is still stuck on Tuesday.