Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I KNOW SHE'S STUPID, but I thought at least Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could tell her left hand from her right hand.
TRUE STATEMENT: "Journalists are often awful people, and nearly always spineless conformists."
THE AMERICAN THINKER: The mystery of 'Q'.

I have no idea whether it's meaningful or utter bullarky, but it is amusing.
MAKE NO MISTAKE. We are about to see the impeachment of what can only be called the American Ruling Class.

Enjoy every word.
FOUR PILLARS: Educating for America.
WIN, WIN, WIN: Immigration problem solved.

And solved cheaply....
CDC STUDY: The laziest states in the U.S.

Notice the stunning stupidity of the question: "[O]ther than your regular job, did you participate in any physical activities or exercises such as running, calisthenics, golf, gardening, or walking for exercise?" Did they stop to think to ask about the physical activity involved in your regular job? Of course not, because their regular jobs involve almost no physical activity.

This is exactly why I ignore almost all health-related studies/advice.
MAYOR PETE: Portrait of the B.S. artist as a young man.
ANOTHER FAST FOOD WORKER gets canned for dissing the police. Probably another Harvard graduate....
THANKS TO DEMOCRATS? Unfortunately not.

I'd like to blame former President Obama and/or the Democrats, but ...

According the U.S. Debt Clock the dramatic increase in the national debt started with Obama, but has consistently increased at $1.2T/year ever since.

And it's impossible to blame the Democrats in Congress, either. During Obama's tenure, the 111th Congress was Democrat controlled; the 112th and 113th Congresses were divided; and the 114th Republican controlled. During Trump's tenure (so far) the 115th Congress was Republican controlled; the 116th was divided; and the 117th is up for grabs.

Short of starting over, I'm not convinced there is a solution....
EXCEPT HE DID: Progressives upset President Trump didn't honor Martin Luther King, Jr on Monday.
SANITY AT LAST: Court refuses to kowtow to personal pronouns.

Good. As I've noted before, the personal pronouns I use are he/him, she/her, and it/its.
THE SCHIFF EFFECT: a sieve holds water better than he holds secrets. Is it any wonder that President Trump doesn't share secrets with Congress?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Serious atheist thinkers are re-examining strict naturalism.

Linked from Instapundit here.
THE LAST WORD on the Virginia Second Amendment rally.