Thursday, August 21, 2014

VIRGINIA SPECIAL SESSION to discuss Medicaid expansion could be a challenge for Virginia's Barbara Comstock. This is a 'nothing special' article of interest only to Virginia voters, except for this:
Comstock pointed out that the ob-gyn practice of her Democratic opponent, Fairfax County supervisor John Foust, doesn’t take Medicaid.
Since Foust can be expected to be fully supportive of Medicaid expansion, this is just another example of the Democrats' "for thee, but not me" approach to Government intervention.
AN EXAMPLE of the definition of the word 'contempt'.
PROBABLY? ONLY PROBABLY? Attorney General Holder has a chance to do some good in Ferguson. But he’ll probably make everything worse.

No further comment needed....

OR THEY COULD JUST PAY YOU MORE: Why your employer should clean your house and do your laundry.
MIKE DITKA: "I'm not very tolerant when it comes to liberals who complain about everything."

Linked via this Hot Air post.
A TRULY ACCURATE HEADLINE: Obama heading back to DC in rare vacation break.
POWERLINE: "Obama thinks in progressive clichés that fail to contemplate the predictable consequences of action or inaction, let alone the predictable consequences of his own words."

He thinks?
MORE PREPARATION for the zombie apocalypse:

I see a lot of these in my daily tours through the internet, but lately they seem to be showing up more often than usual. I blame the progressives.
FOX BREAKING NEWS: Missouri governor orders National Guard to begin withdrawing from Ferguson. Everything is fine now ... Attorney General Holder is there to start a 'national conversation' about race.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. I'm thinking of leaving the garbage can at the end of the driveway so I won't have so far to walk after the mail is delivered.
THE MELTDOWN: It would be at best a B-grade movie if only it weren't for real.
INSTAPUNDIT: "Government is just a word for the things we choose to do together. Like protect well-funded cronies at the expense of the public interest."
AMEN! "The response to Foley’s beheading should have been a MOAB [Mother Of All Bombs] dropped on an ISIS-held town." From the comments:
One of the problems with the "war on terror" is that "terror" is a tactic, not an enemy.

ISIS has declared itself to be the Islamic State. Now we have an entity against whom to wage war. It might be prudent to recognize the Islamic State and then, in the same breath, formally declare war on them. We will, of course, obey all of the laws of warfare including the Geneva Conventions on the treatment of POWs. (GWB was a fool not to have granted Al Qaeda POW status....) Of course, the Geneva Conventions require that combatants wear uniforms, and provides that combatants OUT of uniform may be summarily executed as spies or saboteurs. I'm not aware that any AQ fighters ever wore anything remotely resembling a uniform, so if we had recognized AQ as a Geneva Convention entity, we'd be absolutely within our rights to empty Gitmo with hangings. Which would have eliminated the declared "caliph", who would have danced the Danny Deever.

Having formally declared war against IS, we could seize their commerce and funds, and then declare them as being guilty of war crimes, and exercised other powers that cannot really be used against an amorphous "terrorist" enemy.

Of course, this all assumes a leader who might have some intestinal fortitude, which our current "leader" does not.
A recommendation for our next President....
HEH: Demography Pizza is destiny.
BAYLOR UNIVERSITY STUDY: Bigger government makes for more satisfied people. This is for me one of those "shall I believe you or my lying eyes" posts. I've been on Planet Earth for pushing 70 years now, and the study results simply don't correlate with that 69+ years of experience.

Further, there is nothing in the summary that suggests to me that there is any causal relationship between subjective 'happiness' and the 4 metrics used.

The 'study' is bogus.
NASA'S FLYING SAUCER takes a supersonic flight. It would help, though, if the parachute hadn't shredded on deployment.
FROM MY EMAIL: Racism defined.

Confronting a liberal with facts.
JUST A THOUGHT: Even angry, it's not a wise idea to return immediately to a place you just robbed.
IF YOU LIKE TAILGATING, you'll love robocars.
ABORTION: the awesome lifestyle option.

I wrote about Janet Harris's OpEd here.