Monday, July 30, 2012

FOX NEWS has a new poll up asking "What do you think NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg will try to regulate next?" The winner with 52% of the vote: red meat portion size.

As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon."
GUTSY CALL: standing up to Valerie Jarrett.
THOMAS SOWELL: Random thoughts on the passing scene. Here are some nuggets:

Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as "racists."

One of the arguments for Medicare is that the elderly don't want to be a burden to their children. Apparently it is all right to be a burden to other people's children, who are paying taxes.
Read them all.
BELIEVING IN SOMETHING DOESN'T MAKE IT SO - something Obama has found out the hard way. Unfortunately Obama's actions suggest that he hasn't 'found it out' -- the hard way, the easy way, or any other way -- he acts as if we just need to believe harder.
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT OBAMA: "He seems completely unaware of all the contradictions he's wandered into, as if he had only been speaking, not thinking."
OH.MY.GOD. Nepotism in South Carolina. American flags in Oregon. What is this world coming to?
BIG GOVERNMENT RUN AMOK? In Oregon, man faces jail for collecting rainwater on his own property.
INSTAPUNDIT should have titled this post 'All your boobs are belong to mikey'. It would have been accurate in both senses of the word 'boob'.
AN ARMED CITIZEN may not be able to prevent Aurora, but he/she can damned sure stop it quickly.
DEAN BAKER: Mr. Arithmetic will save Social Security. Mr. Baker may have passed third-grade arithmetic, but it's clear that his math skills stopped there. If you follow 'Mr. Arithmetic' (not obvious) then it's clear that Baker's political leanings are Marxist (from each according to his ability, to each according to his need) and his intellectual skills (scroll through his other posts) are about on a par with my three cats.

[Added: my wife thinks I'm insulting the cats. Apologies to Diamond, Daisy, and Shadow.]
WEEKEND CULTURE WRAP and other news to amuse from PowerLine. Teaser: Can the Earth explode as a result of global warming?

Read it all for more mockery of the liberal left.

The data is here.
CHUTZPAH? Or sheer lunacy? Driving to the store this morning, I encountered a jogger/runner who was running down the centerline of a two-lane road. Just another case of putting the 'nut' into health nut.
OBAMA CAMPAIGN SAYS ex-President Bill Clinton will have a marquee role in the Democratic National Convention. Hah! He must have Obama's real birth certificate....

it's that the progressive activists have moved so far left that the center appears to have moved right.
TOO DUMB TO VOTE in in Minnesota and Michigan. You can't allow voters actually understand what they're voting on. Then they might not need you.
WHERE WERE YOU IN '62? I had just graduated from high school, moved with my family to Austin, Texas, and was preparing for my freshman year in college. Just over six months later, I was on an Army base in Germany, a technician on a mobile satellite tracking station.

Times have changed indeed.