Monday, June 11, 2012

IS AMERICA ready for 'noodge' government? Speaking for myself, I don't even like 'nudge' government.

The only way the private sector is "doing fine" is if Obama is counting all the welfare and unemployment recipients as employed. And the public sector lines would be much higher if cronys were counted.
BUT OF COURSE: How else can we assure that all those bathroom stalls, extra-wide hallways, elevators, and sidewalk ramps are properly utilized?

Yes, of course I'm being sarcastic, but the point is that not every problem demands a government solution.
DO WE really need an Environmental Protection Agency?
DETROIT: the end state of Liberalism.
IS THE PC WALL CRACKING? “Studies” Departments Suffer a Loss. At UCLA, no less.
WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE? "Government is the tool by which resources are put under the control of people like him [Obama]."
EXCELLENT! Liberals at Nutroots Netroots Nation threaten not to vote in November over disappointment with Obama.
THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORIAL BOARD is seriously concerned about Mr. Romney' "secret bundlers". I'm sure they will soon evidence concern for Mr. Obama's secret bundlers, but I'm not holding my breath.

Speaking of bundlers, isn't Jon Corzine one of the O's bundlers? And didn't he just happen to 'lose' $1.6B while at IMF Global? Just askin'.
STILL WAITING for our first black president. If reader Hanna can't bring himself to vote for a presidential candidate who can make America better, I applaud him for at least not voting (again) for one who will make America worse off.
GEORGE F. WILL: Subprime college educations. Luckily both my kids graduated before the subprime bubble burst. Their degrees are still worth something.
IF YOU WANT Obama to act on his principles, show him the money.
FROM MY EMAIL: Not all IED's are terrorist devices.

This GPS was placed in its bracket in the windshield and left in the sun. The battery overheated and exploded....
I THOUGHT bake sales were prohibited....
CORPORATE JET TRAVEL is only evil when 'they' do it.
BECAUSE THEY'RE STUPID? Why Do Millionaire Entertainers and Athletes Go Broke?
SAVE THE PLANET; move south. Uh, no, we've got enought pests already, thank you.