Sunday, March 12, 2023

TAXES ARE FOR THE LITTLE PEOPLE: 42,000 federal employees “repeatedly” failed to file taxes.

Now there will be about 87 thousand new opportunities....
NEW DEFINITION: 'intellectual desert' = stupid.

And of course, read the whole thing.
SPRING 2023, WEEK 2: It's been a cool, clammy, cloudy dull day as we start with our fearless forsythia, which now has traded in its flowers for leaves.
Unfortunately we're headed for a week of light freezes, which hopefully will not damage the plants.

Next is the usual pond view, highlighting the tulip magnolia, which is in full flower. A bright spot in an otherwise dull day.
You can't see them yet, but our two dogwood trees are just beginning to bud out.
Hopefully the coming cold nights won't affect them. Freezes are in the forecast, but they should be short and days are forecast to be mild.

Our lawn is greening nicely. We've had several inches of rain over the past few days so the barer spots are beginning to fill in. Another 2 weeks and we'll begin overseeding to fill in and add more lawn down beyond the barn/fire pit area
That's the tulip magnolia in the background.
Finally, a view down the road to confirm that spring isn't fully here quite yet.