Tuesday, November 26, 2019

ADAM SCHIFF: Impeachment by inference?
SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: possibly the next governor of Arkansas?
WELL, THEY'RE AGAINST EVERYTHING: Elites are against western civilization.
RACHEL ALEXANDER: The emotionalism of the Left.
Those on the left claim they hold their views because they are intellectually superior to those of us on the right. But studies have shown that liberals are more emotional than conservatives. Perhaps this is the real reason for their views. If you look at the positions liberals take on issues, it’s easy to see how their emotions drive them, crowding out logic and facts.
Read it all.
IS AMERICA TOO CROWDED? Not yet, but ...
How can we help the Third World in any meaningful way if we’re bankrupt and coming apart at the seams, if we become a Second or Third World country ourselves?
That's an important question.
CHANGING THE VOCABULARY AGAIN: It's no longer 'free stuff'; it's now 'public goods'. But they still have to take steal our money to pay for it.
ANOTHER CRASH at the corner of intersectionality and intersectionality.
SORRY, but these are the new rules:
Trump praised the hero dog who hunted down the terrorist, so that means dogs are bad now and terrorists are good. You can’t like dogs anymore. In any dispute between a Trump dog and a terrorist, you have to root for the terrorist or else you love Trump. If you still like dogs after today, you have to wear a MAGA hat all the time.
It's that damned double-edged sword thingy....
HMMMM ... Gaia worship with a large side order of nihilism.
BUREAUCRACY BONANZA: Warren’s much-hyped plans would create at least 20 new federal agencies. So that's where all those laid off healthcare insurance workers will go - they'll fit right in.

The better to take care of control you....