Thursday, February 11, 2016

THE GAME IS RIGGED: "After defeating Hillary Clinton handily in the New Hampshire primary Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders could leave the Granite State with just as many delegates as the candidate he beat by 22 points."

Of course the game is rigged, but not -- as Bernie claims -- in favor of millionaires and billionaires, it is rigged in favor of our bureaucratic 'ruling class', both Democrat and Republican.
TRUMP: Sanders may be a closet communist.

So where's the surprise? The only significant difference between socialism and communism is the difference between control and ownership -- Bernie's stance on single-payer healthcare tells you all you need to know about on which side he stands.
I DON'T KNOW ABOUT LIFE, but Shoe is certainly correct about voting age.
OOPS! The North Korean satellite launched over the weekend “is tumbling in orbit, rendering it useless.”

Panic averted....
GROUNDING AIR FORCE ONE would be sufficient: U.N. panel proposes historic cuts to aircraft emissions.
POPULAR MECHANICS: The Pentagon announces development of an 'arsenal plane'.
ELECTRONS ARE DEMOCRATS: Fastest light pulses show electrons are sluggish (just not thuggish).
I'M WAY BEHIND on PowerLine's Week in Pictures. Here's my favorite this week:

Now don't miss the rest.
FIGHTING BACK: Bosch haptic pedal can save you 7 percent on gas.
NEW YORK TIMES now calls Russia a 'threat' four years after mocking Romney's 'reckless' warning.

A bit late, don'cha think?
BORDER PATROL: "We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether."
Immigration laws today appear to be mere suggestions. There are little or no consequences for breaking the laws and that fact is well known in other countries.
There are no aliens, illegal or legal, just 'undocumented Democrats'.
HEH! Supreme Court puts global warming on ice. Now the globe will stop warming.