Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DOES THE SECOND AMENDMENT protect armed drones?
A COALITION OF INFLUENTIAL CONSERVATIVE LEADERS have published an open letter announcing their strong opposition to the 800-plus-page Senate immigration reform bill. The fact that the bill is 800 pages long should alone be more than sufficient reason to oppose it. Remember ObamaCare?
THE TEA PARTY held rallies at IRS offices around the nation at noon yesterday. Here are some posts/pictures from around the nation.

Norfolk, Virginia.

Washington DC (video).

Cincinnati, Ohio.

Atlanta, Kansas City, St. Louis, Orlando, Austin, Denver, Lansing, Charleston, Albuquerque, Nashville, Houston, San Jose, Tacoma, Bloomington, Boston, Fresno, and San Diego.

More from Cincinnati.

More from around the U.S., with this amusing comment: "What is the difference between the Tea Party protestors and the IRS employees? The people protesting outside probably owe less in back taxes than the people working inside the IRS offices."

The Democrat strongholds of San Francisco and NYC were unrepresented.
SURE, your electronic health records are safe with us.
WASHINGTON POST: Obama’s rating steady in face of controversies, likely buoyed by rising economic hopes.

Oh? (from Rasmussen Reports)