Sunday, May 14, 2023

WOKE AND NEUROTIC: The new ugly Americans.
YOU HAVE TO WONDER how brazen the Biden White House has to lie before mainstream media reporters would be offended at having even their room-temperature (Celsius, not Fahrenheit) intelligence insulted. Wonder no more.
WATCH AS SEN. JOHN KENNEDY [R-LA] asks the 50 trillion dollar question.
SPRING 2023, WEEK 11. This week we begin at the pond, looking across toward the creek entrance and the fountain. All the foliage has filled in and the summer green coloring has returned.
Looking up at our house, the ground cover (brush) has taken over and probably will remain as weedeating on that slope is killing. At least this year we will finally have a decent view of the pond itself throughout the summer.
Last week I wished for the orange/red flowers to return. They did -- at least the first batch did. I'm hoping the ones on the other side will decide to flower as well.
And now back to my standard sequence of views. Here's the pond from the house. Compared to last week the tree crowns have finally filled it. A little darker green by next week maybe, but summer seems to have arrived.
Another small digression; the roses along the fence line which we were concerned might have frozen have recovered and are blooming nicely. The iris have popped up, are growing rapidly, but are yet to bloom. Maybe soon....
Now back to the fire pit. We've put in two 'vegetable' barrels; one tomatos, one cucumbers. They appear to have settled in well. The picture is a bit dark because the tree canopy in the adjacent lot has finally filled in.
Finally we leave you with a view of the lower terrace where the half-barrel planters have finally begun to show their contents. We have ferns planted along/beneath the retaining wall that are beginning to be visible. I'd like to have more but they're damned hard to transplant.
Until next week then, which will be our last for this year.