Saturday, May 26, 2018

I CALL IT VIRTUE-SIGNALING: Today’s consciousness-raising on race is less about helping black people than it is about white people seeking grace.
I'VE BEEN INTRIGUED by the names given different generations (Baby Boomers, etc.) so I began looking around to find out what, if anything, characterized a generation name. Answer: nothing really.

What stood out is that a 'generation' is characterized mostly by an interval between about 11 and 17 years, averaging about 15. So I decided to create my own generation chart. Here it is:

The first four are the usual suspects, with the consensus birth periods in parentheses. I started over and used a consistent 15 year birth interval to give the birth periods in brackets at the right. The consensus generation chart shows both my wife and I as of the Silent Generation; my chart puts us in the Baby Boomer generation, which strikes me as more realistic as we were both born at the very end of WWII.

The last two categories represent my (somewhat jaundiced) assessment of the future BT (before Trump). His successes to date may encourage me to change that assessment.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS SCANDALIZED: Trump administration doesn’t buy climate extremism.
I TOLD YOU I WASN'T RICH: Here’s how much money you need for bankers to think you’re rich.

My bank agrees ... I'm way not rich.
HOUSTON POLICE CHIEF says he's 'watching' Dana Loesch. She torches him.
WHO'D HAVE THUNK IT? Crime goes down in the presence of armed citizens.

It seems that even criminals don't like getting shot....
IT'S A LITTLE HARD to watch even a good show when you know the actors are a bunch of asses.
BROWARD COUNTY: There are third-world shitholes, and there are first-world shitholes.
IT'S BEGINNING: Major donor pulls funding from university for 'discriminating' against Ben Shapiro event. The donor chose to remain anonymous; here's why:
An excellent example of how much damage you have done; I am not signing my name for fear of political retaliation.
The 'dark side of the force' is strong in academia.
HEH: James Clapper only lies on days ending in "Y".
"TRUMP’S GREATEST REAL ESTATE DEAL EVER: he lives rent-free in the heads of millions of liberals." From PowerLine's Trump Derangement in Overdrive edition of the week in pictures. As usual I had a hard time finding a favorite:

But check out 'Leaky, Sneaky, and Freaky'.
NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION: We need common sense media control to prevent future school shootings.
HAVE YOU WONDERED why pharmaceutical companies are pushing drugs so aggressively on television? Consider these (only one day's advertising):

Now you know why your health insurance premiums are so high....
REP. ERIC SWALWELL'S tete-a-tete with Tucker Carlson on gun confiscation did not go well for him earlier this week so he doubled-down on Twitter and it's not going well there either.