Thursday, October 22, 2009


From the 2009 Combined Federal Campaign advertising:

“Our greatest destiny is to serve ourselves and our fellow man (and woman).” -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” -- Winston Churchill.

Hmm ... haven’t we been taught by our 'intellectual betters' to disregard the opinions of ‘dead white males’?


Though they may be an endangered species.

I’ve been a member for 40+ years, and had long thought that our species had gone extinct, so I was pleased to see an “Order of Turtles” group on the career networking site LinkedIn.

You may ask, “Who are Turtles?"

They are “an illustrious group and include in their membership some of the country's foremost leaders in fields of government, finance, entertainment, aerospace and other areas where aggressiveness, a feeling for fair play, clean thoughts and a sense of humor are keys to success.”

More realistically, Turtles are a widespread, loosely-knit group of fun-loving individuals with a somewhat wry sense of humor. There is no organization, no membership roll, no meetings, no dues, and no obligations – except an implied one to recruit more Turtles.

Membership is open to anyone who is (a) breathing, (b) has an IQ above room temperature (Celsius – and that may be waived), (c) wants to join, and (d) can answer the Questions correctly (coaching is allowed).

The origin of the Turtles is uncertain, to say the least. The most common – and I think most likely - explanation of its honorable origin refers back to the Second World War, when a group of American fighter pilots stationed in England formed a semisecret drinking fraternity among its squadron's members, and put prospective candidates for membership through a mock initiation.

Are you a Turtle?


From a Don Surber post on ObamaCare taxes. JoeC comments:

“If You’re An Employer Who Can’t Afford To Provide Health Insurance To Your Employees, You Get Taxed”

What part of “can’t afford” is it I do not understand? I must be missing something somewhere. Come to think of it… it might be cheaper to pay the tax than to pay for the health benefits for my employee (myself). My catastrophic plan costs my company close to $500/month for me and my wife. So I could go to a slightly more expensive plan that actually paid for things like dental, prescription drugs, and eye care…. and get taxed because I had the expensive plan (over $8000)… which would cost me even more. Hmmmmm…. let me think about this for a moment. So I can:

A) Pay a tax (say $1000) because I have no insurance and get ‘free’ gov’t care
B) Pay $6000 for a minimalist plan (which I have now)
C) Pay $8000+additional tax for a better plan that still costs me a co-pay

Lemme think about that for a bit.
And if you don’t think that there are lots of people out there are making exactly JoeC’s assessment, you’ve got a lot to learn about human nature.



Via Chris Muir (10/19/09).


Victor Davis Hansen:

Somehow we went from revolutionary fervor to the boring Ministry of Truth in nine months.

Personally I found the left far more interesting when they were suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome than Obamophilia.
Read it all.