Wednesday, September 25, 2013

NEWT & CALLISTA GINGRICH to supply Sen. Cruz with reading material for his next 'filibuster'.
Senator Ted Cruz read from the Dr. Seuss classic Green Eggs and Ham to his children during his filibuster last night. Callista is sending him her new book about the American Revolution for four to eight year olds, Yankee Doodle Dandy featuring Ellis the Elephant, and her two earlier American history books, Sweet Land of Liberty and Land of the Pilgrims’ Pride. Next time he filibusters he can teach his children American history in the process.
In other news, Obama had a very bad week. Read it all
DEMOCRATS: We don't have a spending problem (but we may have a payment problem).
FRANK J. FLEMING: Nature is our enemy.
[J]ust because it [nature] isn’t very good at killing us now doesn’t mean it won’t get better. When the global warming doesn’t kill us off, nature will probably later try to freeze us out. And I’ll bet nature is hard at work in its underground evolution labs trying to come up with a new animal to take us on — like maybe some sort of gorilla with a bear head that has shark mouths for fists and is bulletproof, i.e., an armored, shark-fisted borilla.
The armored, shark-fisted borilla is named 'Obama'.
WHY EDUCATION as we know it today is nearly over.

Home schooling and massive open online course [MOOC] education are the wave of the future.
THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVER: White House Celebrates Bisexual Visibility Day with an Official Closed-Door Event.

Transparent, that is, only when it suits them....
MICHELLE MALKIN: Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died. She had health insurance; now she has health care. Insurance is better.
GO AHEAD, SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN: No one will ever notice.

Best comment:
Oh please shut down, PLEASE!!! FOX can play old reruns of I Love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith, The Jetsons. Anything. Shark week. Even a sewing show, How Not to Murder your Houseplants, baking, how to organize anything so you can find it again, lobster cooking for beginners, how to get a frog out of a dog's mouth, HOW NOT TO LOOK GUILTY WHEN PRE-BOARDING A PLANE!!! (I need that one).
More TownHall cartoons here.
IT'S COME TO THIS: Iran nixes Obama, Rowhani meeting. Earned disrespect on the part of President Asterisk.