Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dawson asked his Grandfather, “At your ripe age, what would you prefer to get, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer's?”

“Definitely Parkinson’s,” said Grandfather. “Better to spill half an ounce of Jack Daniel’s than to forget where you keep the bottle!!”
From my email.
BIASED BUT ACCURATE. Larry Kudlow on the Vice Presidential debate: Ryan's Benghazi Surprise.

TRICKLE-DOWN GOVERNMENT IS ALL WET ... and it's the ones at the bottom who drown.
NATIONAL IGNITION FACILITY: Mother of All Boondoggles?
RED BULL STRATOS at 88,000 feet; live video here.

UPDATE: safe landing from 24 miles high.
KINDA MAKES YOU YEARN for the days when autos were mechanical, not electronic.
HUGE IRISH WIND PROJECT would send 3000 MW to the United Kingdom.
AMBASSADOR JOHN BOLTON on the Obama administration's reaction to Benghazi. For the first time, Bolton says publicly what I've long believed -- that the 'blame America first' mentality is so strong in Obama and his appointees that any evidence to the contrary simply cannot be believed. It must, therefore, be a lie or distortion of that existential truth that America must be at fault.

Watch the video. The Bolton interview begins about 4:20.

UPDATE (bumped): When it rains, it pours. Newt Gingrich makes the same point on Huckabee Saturday (10/13).
CONNECTING THE DOTS: lots and lots of dots.
MARK STEYN: Who's 'Politicizing' Benghazi?
JOE BIDEN DELIVERS ... but I didn't order a truckload of manure.