Tuesday, May 19, 2015

HEH: Greenpeace banned from flying drones near arctic oil rigs.

Lawfare works both ways....
AFTER READING THIS, not watching television makes more sense than ever.
GIVE IT UP, REPUBLICANS; your base is dying off. Umm, maybe, but the Democrats' base is already dead.
“IT WOULD BE NICE if the Left would stop falsifying history.” To which Instapundit responds, "Yeah, and it would be nice if they would all grow some common sense, a backbone, and some appreciation for the Constitution, but that won’t happen, either."
IEEE SPECTRUM: Light reveals the spin of electrons. An interesting article nonetheless, but I originally read the hed as "Light reveals the spin of elections", which is still true....
MALLARD FILLMORE, telling it like it is. If only our Presidential candidates had the courage to do the same....
REMEMBER: "[W]hen leftists say they want a 'conversation about race', they mean—you shut up and confess your white guilt. Oh, and raise taxes."
THE LEFT, THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT, AND THE POOR: "[I]t seems pretty fair to me to suggest that [liberals] should put their money where their mouth is, instead of demonstrating their 'compassion' largely through a willingness to redistribute other people’s money." Skim through the comments as well; Instapundit readers are enthusiastically 'punching back twice as hard'.

And finally, click through to Megan McArdle's complete post.
OBAMA INSULTS CHRISTIANS, apparently out of ignorance. Not ignorance, arrogance. He knows nothing, but he knows it with certainty.