Tuesday, February 11, 2014

DRONE-LIMITING BILL overwhelmingly approved by California Assembly. Note that the restrictions are for lawfare and spying, not air traffic management and flight safety reasons. I agree with the restrictions, but shouldn't they apply equally to manned aircraft?
BLOG LEFT: Even stopped clocks are right at least once a day. "ACLU explains to Rhode Island AG that free speech even covers mean, dumb pictures on Facebook."
SUCCESS: Iraq car bomb instructor blows up 21 of his students.
HOPEFULLY HE WILL BE AN OBAMACARE SURVIVOR: NBC's Tom Brokaw diagnosed with cancer. Others haven't been so lucky.
MANUFACTURERS change look of AR-15 to make it 'street legal'.

Fixed stock; no pistol grip; no flash suppressor; the rifle is now legal in New York State.
VILE, but what can you expect? Progressives are so smart, so nuanced, that they know what your thinking even when you're not thinking it.
NOW ON GOOGLE EARTH: 150 Years of Global Temperature Data. The question is "Has the data been massaged?" The answer is "Yes."
OBAMACARE'S unworkable employer mandate gets delayed again. It's all about getting the low-information voter to vote Democrat in the next election.
DO ENGINEERS NEED EMPATHY? A study from Rice University finds that engineering students are less concerned about the welfare of others after graduating college than they were when they entered.

I suspect it's probably because engineers come to realize that empathy doesn't get things done.
THE WEEKLY STANDARD: A Winning Alternative to ObamaCare.
WHICH ONE is the Democrat?

RELATED: Obama's Brave New World Loafer Nation.
SMART DIPLOMACY UPDATE: Obama nominates unqualified amateurs to key diplomatic posts. Oh, they're qualified all right -- at raking in and bundling the big bucks.
THE HILLARY PAPERS: Archive of 'closest friend' paints portrait of ruthless First Lady. Watching the pundits on television last night, the consensus seems to be that this won't damage Hillary's 2016 run for the presidency. Unfortunately, I tend to agree: the 'revelations' are all about character, and character is not something in high regard in Washington D.C.
A MODEST PROPOSAL to keep senators and representatives home on the range. A much better solution would to be to convene a single 90-day legislative session once a year. For everything else, use Skype.
CONSUMERS NAME 'gotta-have' technology for their next car. In my case, it's all gotta-not-have. The only thing of even mild interest is navigation, and that comes automatically with almost any recent cell phone.
THERE ARE THOSE who look at things the way they are, and ask why. I look at things that never were, and try to explain what idiocy on the left prevented them from happening.
REDSKINS TO LAWMAKERS: Mind your own damn business.
IS IT OVER, and we just don’t know it? If not, we're very, very close.
INSTAPUNDIT: The Late, Great Manly Man. “When the Obama administration launched a campaign to attract enrollees into Obamacare, did they they front up a two-fisted, hard-drinking, cigar-chomping he-man? Hell no. They employed ‘Pajama Boy’ to lure the mice into the trap. This is who they reckoned the rising generation would admire.”

Follow the link provided. My takeaway: "[I]n today’s world it pays to be a loser. After all, you get subsidies. You get sympathy. You can play the victim card."

And 'manly men' get to pay for it...