Thursday, October 24, 2019

JUSTIN TRUDEAU - an obviously illegitimate premier according to St. Hillary.
DIPLOMAD 2.0: The Left loves humanity, but hates people.
The Left is for the people except for when the people are not for the Left. The Left in the West has become the party and movement of the bureaucratic diktat; the "elites" who run the public and corporate bureaucracies, the entertainment and "news " industrial complexes, and the "education" machines have become, in the words of the great Thomas Sowell, "the anointed ones" possessed of a "revealed truth" which entitles them to lead the rest of us deplorable hillbillies out of the darkness and into the progressive sunlight -- whether we want it or not!
Read the whole post.
ANIMUS HOUSE: Day by Day describes the mainstream media (and Congress, for that matter) perfectly.