Wednesday, January 07, 2015

ANOTHER BUMPER STICKER -- this one from Connecticut.

OBAMA TO FLEX HIS JOB CREATION MUSCLE at an auto plant that is closed this week because of lagging demand for its small gasoline and hybrid cars.

Bonus: Obama’s going to tout the “success” of the auto bailout at a factory owned by a company that didn’t take a bailout.
BMW TO DEMONSTRATE CAR that can find a spot and park itself in a garage. Okay, now how does it tell you where it is when you return?
SURPRISE! Coast Guard seeing sharp uptick in Cubans fleeing workers’ paradise. For the intellectually-challenged, "worker's paradise" does not refer to the United States.
GOT HATE? Here’s the most fascist piece you will read today.

Hmm. Is advocating killing cops 'hate speech'?
FINALLY: Big Apple takes on epidemic public-transit threat of … 'man-spreading'.

What's next? 'Gender-specific' subway cars?
YOU CAN NOW shop the web for a feminist boyfriend! Beta 'males' only need apply....
REP. MARTHA ROBY (R-AL) files first plan to defund Obama immigration action. Good for her.
MEDICAID UNDER OBAMACARE: Millions are enrolling, but there are few providers.
“When providers … cannot offer appointments, it may create a significant obstacle for an enrollee seeking care.”
No shit, Sherlock. Note to liberals: ObamaCare is not the same as health care.
HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE revisits the Pillars of Creation.

A stunning image.
MEDIA MATTERS: Please don't attack us. Please, please don't attack us.

ISLAMO-FASCISTS: They fear being mocked. Plus:

Claire Berlinski is a woman after my own heart.
THE LIFESTYLE NANNIES ARE NOT HAPPY: “Random mutations may account for two-thirds of the risk of getting many types of cancer, leaving the usual suspects — heredity and environmental factors — to account for only one-third.”
AL SHARPTON: Racism for fun and profit. Mostly profit....
CHINESE SPACECRAFT to return to lunar orbit. A very interesting mission. One half of the spacecraft returned to Earth following lunar orbit; the other half left to orbit the L2 Lagrange point and is now returning to lunar orbit.
AT LEAST 12 DEAD in Islamist terror attack at satirical French publication.

Has the time come to declare 'no quarter' against Islamic terrorists?
MOCK HIM: What you could have done while waiting for Obama to decide on the Keystone pipeline.

Mocking Obama takes an average of 4-1/2 minutes (I made that up). If you limited mocking him to an Obama 'full time' (29 hour) workweek (hard to limit yourself, I know), over the six years of his presidency, you could have mocked him 120,640 times.
ACADEMIA: First they came for the sociologists.... It'll be harder when they come for the engineers, but I've already noticed them trying.
GLENN REYNOLDS: GOP needs to pump new blood. Yes, but ... remember the Democrats in 2008? The 'blood type' is important....
ROGER SIMON: Beware the National Enquirer?

They did take down John Edwards....

MORE: Can a stained blue dress be far behind?
MARYLAND COUNTY COMMISSIONER KIRBY DELAUTER trys to get PowerLine's coveted Green Weenie award. He didn't, but he did get the attention of Fox News. To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon."

Added: He's a Republican, so I'm surprised this isn't all over the mainstream media.
IF YOU LIKE YOUR TAX REFUND, you can can't keep your tax refund.
VIDEO: Egyptian president calls for “religious revolution” in Islam to end violent jihad.

Strange, isn't it, that this hasn't made the mainstream media?

Instapundit agrees.

I had the pleasure of being on a similar Southwest Airlines flight.