Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OCCUPY OAKLAND - a photo essay. Be sure and read the comments.
MEMO TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: "When Charles Schumer, John Kerry, Barney Frank, Deval Patrick, and the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association are all warning that your regulations are destroying jobs, maybe it’s time to start putting ... people ahead of fish."
IT COULD BE WORSE: How the Washington Post campaigns for Obama’s re-election.
I COULD USE ANOTHER PHD: Borrow lots of money, go to graduate school, vote for Obama. It's free!
OBAMA BASHES PRIVATE JETS, private jet sales then plummet, now a bunch of jet-making workers lose their jobs. That reminds me that I saw an Obama "Yes, We Did" bumper sticker on a car in front of me this morning. I sure the Piper workers will be happy ....
WHERE THERE'S SMOKE, there's Cain's new video. I like the video, and the subliminal message that there's a new - and politically incorrect - sheriff in town. Good work, Herman!
APPLY THE 'CLASS' TEST to all government legislation.
FIVE MYTHS helping to drive Occupy Wall Street.

I'm of the opinion that every piece of "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you" legislation be tried out on government employees for a minimum of 10 years before being foisted off on the public at large.
POLITICAL MATH: it's all about context.
THE HOME AFFORDABLE REFINANCE PROGRAM (HARP) II is pathetic because it doesn't forgive people who bought overinflated homes they couldn't afford in the first place.

Sorry, Felix; that's not a bug, that's a feature.
OCCUPY OAKLAND EVICTED: To save on overcrowded jails, once they had them surrounded, the police should have put up a fence and locked the gate.
A WAY to look at the debt ceiling:
Let's say you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.

What do you think you should do ... raise the ceilings, or pump out the shit?

Your choice is coming Nov. 2012
From my email.
EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM TEST: The state can 'seize control' and 'there is nothing we can do'. Frankly this -- and the accompanying comments -- are just a wee bit over the top and miss the essential point, which is "Just what constitutes an 'emergency'?" Already our local EBS system goes into hyperdrive every time there is fog, a rain shower, thunderstorm, snow, or winds greater than 30 knots, warning us to get off the roads, get to emergency shelter, or cower in the basement.

It's a case of the "little boy who cried 'wolf' too many times" without the ability to tell the little twerp to sit down and shut up.
CALLING IT LIKE IT IS: the cult of global warming is losing influence.