Thursday, August 19, 2010

DOUBLE STANDARDS. Michelle Malkin points out that Democrats critical of Connecticut Republican senatorial candidate Linda McMahon’s connection to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) weren’t so punctilious in 2008.

Well, let’s see. If the right can be demonized for WWE, then surely the left won’t object to being demonized for the gratuitous violence, porn sex, general immorality, ... , of Hollywood.
REVOKE KRUGMAN’S PHD! And his Nobel prize.

Linked from Instapundit.
CUT THE DEFICIT without cutting services. It’s a start, but I want to see services and personnel cut as well. Cut dramatically. And no more nonsense about laying off policemen, firemen, and teachers. Cut the bureaucrats, red-tape specialists, regulators, planners, nannies, and other “service providers.”

UPDATE: a small sign of progress; government (local, state, and federal) laid off 202,000.
TEN THOUGHTS on Obama's iftar speech.

Obama -- the man who would be King.
ARE BIGGER HEALTH-CARE NETWORKS BETTER or just creating a monopoly?

Neither. ObamaCare’s “Accountable Care Organization” is just another name for the failed HMO concept.

Read the article carefully and note yet another case where the patient is last on the priority list ....
FIXING EDUCATION: Will we ever learn?

Probably not.
WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU A LEMON, rewrite history to make it a bowl of cherries.

Linked from Instapundit. My post is here.
THE NEW ABNORMAL: “is becoming a big part of the Democrats’ pre-election spin. Americans are supposed to accept their reduced standard of living and shrunken economy. They should lift their watery eyes in gratitude to the noble Democrat Party, which won’t let any semblance of fiscal responsibility stop them from looting the future ....”

Read it all.
HELP ME, OBI-WAN KENOBI: Mosque supporters beg George W. Bush to come to Obama's rescue.

Read the comments.

More here.