Thursday, February 11, 2010

RFK, JR: Arguing global warming by anecdote is for idiots. Which is why I do it.

ONCE THOUGHT EXTINCT, New England Republicans emerge.

2010 is going to be a bad year for Democrats. And, I suspect, for incumbent Republicans as well.

6’ x 10’ x 1.5’

Theodore Roosevelt: speak softly and carry a big stick.

Barack Obama: speak boldly and carry a tiny twig.
I prefer Roosevelt.
CAT SHOTS: Diamond, Daisy, and Shadow check out the snow.

Diamond plows through the snow drifts.

Inspecting the clean-up.

NEW MEDIA help conservatives get their message out. In the Washington Post’s world, it appears to be newsworthy that note-wrapped rocks are not the primary means of communication for conservatives.
GREENMAIL is a “dubious but common practice in which large environmental groups threaten aggressive campaigns to publicly besmirch businesses in order to coerce them to alter successful business practices that don't fit with activists' agenda.... [And] there's reason to suspect that caving to satisfy these demands will not only hurt U.S. business and the workers who count on them, but will also increasing poverty of millions in the developing world.”

Read it all.
TIME TO DIG OUT. It's clear, calm, and cold - time to start digging out. The yardstick reads 18-3/4 inches and since the snow has compressed some, the real snowfall is likely 4-6 inches greater than the measurement.

The sun is out, it's a beautiful day, and somewhere under the snow is a driveway.

That lonely "stick" is the foreground is actually the top of a 4-foot high bush in the patio flowerbed.

The snow on the deck rails is about 18" deep. Our firewood pile is completely buried in the background along the tree line.

GLOBAL WARMING: the other side. John Coleman is founder of the Weather Channel.

Link from Neal Boortz.