Sunday, November 22, 2015

PEW REPORT: With good public policies, self-deportation of illegal immigrants is feasible.
SO WHEN IS the million Muslim march on Mecca And Tehran?
400 MILLION YEARS AGO, cavemen must have done something really bad: Ancient Tropical Forest Found in Norway.
PUTIN IS BETTER AT PR THAN OBAMA: Putin cares whether people like his country.
JUST BEFORE PARIS CLIMATE SUMMIT, Britain slashes wind & solar subsidies.

Unexpectedly ... (as usual).
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION wages war with the zeal of a sleepy llama.

Apologies to llamas everywhere....
I WONDER: Is there an academic who is not an invertebrate?
DAVID BROOKS(!?) on Obama, compassion, and the refugee crisis.

That perfect pants crease is wearing off....
NO CONFIDENCE: Disapproval of Obama’s handling of terrorism reaches 54%. It's not just about terrorism; it's about him. Here's his Rasmussen approval index for the last year:

The moron vote is steady at 25%, and has been that ever since the bloom came off the rose way back in 2009. Disapprovals were steady in the mid-30's until after the 2012 elections when they slowly but steadily began to rise. That rise has accelerated since June as the undecideds have begun to turn away.

For additional evidence, check out this electoral map. From personal experience, I can assure you that Virginia is - at least unofficially - colored red.
OBAMA AND KERRY: mistaking stupidity for cleverness. The complete article is here.
“YES, VIRGINIA, they are in that much trouble and even they know it.”
BEWARE OF Obama putting boots on the ground in Syria.
MISSOURI: Cowardice in action.
THE DEMOCRATS' NEW TAGLINE: "Miss me yet?" From the linked post, this statement:
I’m going to go ahead and assume that the Democrats are being intentionally dishonest, because the alternative is that they are incapable of intelligent thought.
Never assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. It's a simpler version of Occam's Razor.
COLUMBIA STUDENT in anguish because she has to read books by white people. Even worse, dead white [men] people.
PUNCHING BACK TWICE AS HARD: Nevada girl makes school pay after they denied her pro-life club.
HILLARY: Obama's prisoner.
REFUGEE HYPOCRISY? Christians deported amid DC debate on Syrians. In the current administration, sympathy is reserved for the terrorists, not the terrorized.
BYRON YORK: Obamacare death spiral a gift to 2016 GOP candidates.

But will they use it? Effectively? I'm not convinced.
WELCOME TO the Social Justice Warrior Entitlement Mob Tracker. Your single source for monitoring collegiate student stupidity.