Sunday, October 04, 2020

FALLING LEAVES, 2020: Week Four. I skipped weeks 2 and 3 inadvertantly, so let's pick up with Week Four. Here's the usual view from the deck. It's clearing out a bit; some tinges of brown, but that's mostly because leaves have been falling steadily without changing color - a bit of surprise given how much rain we've had.
Here's our 'front yard' even though it's mostly to the side. It's the only reasonably flat section of the property. The ground is mercifully clear of brush this year, and some fallen trees have thinned out the cover somewhat. Again cover is mostly green, and mostly because leaves are falling steadily.
The pond is breathtaking this year, and finally some color change is visible.
We have a visitor at the pond this year.
And finally, the view of the house as I make the long stair climb from the pond. The brush is thick this year, and I'm going to have to get busy with brush removal soon.
My last update is here.

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