Wednesday, April 08, 2020

When you only have a hammer, everything is a nail.

There is a war going on. But it is not a war against the latest iteration of the coronavirus.

Coronavirus Lunacy: take a deep breath, society.
There's a price to be paid for this lunacy and lemming-like compliance. Doesn't nature require that we exercise our immune systems? Is it really wise to let certain things atrophy? What of boredom's effect on overeating? Lying on the couch? Boredom's effect on existing depression, and its contribution to new depression? Same for unemployment's effects. Layoffs are not only going to hurt people; they will kill them. Don't worry: the government is riding to the rescue with $1,000 checks for everyone. How long does that shot in the arm last? Weeks? A month? Then what? Besides, people like having a sense of purpose. Handouts do not give anyone purpose; handouts destroy character and work ethic. And the federal government is 24 trillion dollars in debt. What are we doing but encouraging sloth, despondency, and an attitude of just giving up? Are we Americans, or aren't we?

I'm not saying caution is not warranted. It is. Education is not just good, but abundantly necessary. Wash your hands. Sneeze into your elbow. Use sanitary wipes. Clean surfaces. If you feel sick — whether your symptoms are a close match or not — get tested in a timely fashion.

But for goodness's sake, don't crash my economy. Don't destroy my jazz clubs. Don't close schools. (What are we telling our kids? Be wimpy about life's challenges? Don't be self-sufficient? Don't be strong?) Don't close my restaurants. Don't close my libraries. Don't close my coffee shops. Don't make otherwise robust people live as if dead to avoid a "death" that won't come even if they get this bug.
This 'cure' is worse than the disease.
These posts were written nearly a month ago, but in my view remain unassailable.

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