Friday, August 31, 2012
The bidirectional flying wing kicks the general concept up a notch by essentially laying two flying wings on top of one another at a 90 degree angle, so that the aircraft faces one way for subsonic flight and rotates another way for supersonic flight.
Now try to tell me that government isn't too big, too burdensome, too wasteful -- and too stupid -- to be allowed to continue on its current path.
Mia LoveMore videos from CSPAN here.
Condoleezza Rice
Susana Martinez
Paul Ryan
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Insurance is all about risk. Yet neither insurance companies nor their policy-holders can do anything about one of the biggest risks -- namely, interference by politicians, to turn insurance into something other than a device to deal with risk.Which explains the ever rising cost of health 'care'.
Here's what's truly disconcerting. This comment is primarily about Medicare, but don't kid yourself, it's inherent in ObamaCare as well:
It should be noted that those on Medicare cannot choose to pay privately and outside the system if the provider participates in Medicare.... People who have Medicare have no other choice for insurance, and they will get what the provider is allowed to offer.And here's the point: if you're receiving Social Security -- as I am -- you're automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A (hospitalization). You have no choice. You can't opt out. You can't pay extra for a higher quality of service.
Monday, August 27, 2012
8 PM: Sen. Kelly Ayotte. N.H., Govs. John Kasich, Ohio, Mary Fallin, Okla., Bob McDonnell, Va., and Scott Walker, Wis.Wednesday
9 PM: Former-Rep. Artur Davis, D-Ala., U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz, Texas, and Govs. Brian Sandoval, Nev., and Nikki Haley, S.C.,
10 PM: Mrs. Ann Romney and Gov. Chris Christie, N.J.
8 PM: Gov. Bobby Jindal, La., and Sens. John Thune, S.D., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio.Thursday
9 PM: Mike Huckabee and Govs. Luis Fortuno, P.R., and Tim Pawlenty
10 PM: Condoleezza Rice, Gov. Susana Martinez, N.M., and Paul Ryan.
8 PM: Gov. Jeb Bush, Fla.Be there.
9 PM: 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey “miracle on ice” captain Michael Eruzione
10 PM: Sen. Marco Rubio, Fla. and Mitt Romney
It's either that or UVA's unwillingness to pay the cost of Obama's security....
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The only problem for President Obama and his economic team is that too few Americans chose to exit the U.S. civilian labor force as they desired. In order to have achieved their goals, they would have needed to remove an additional 2% of the U.S. working age population from the ranks of the nation's civilian labor force.Well, almost worked. Those obstinate Americans kept looking for work rather than drop out of the workforce altogether as Obama expected them to.
That would be on top of the 2% of the U.S. working age population that they successfully removed from the U.S. work force since January 2009. With the current civilian labor force participation rate standing at 63.7%, that additional 2% reduction in the number of Americans in the civilian labor force works out to be roughly an additional 4.9 million people.
What can we say? Apparently, the President and his team have decided that culling the U.S. work force is a lot easier for them to do than generating real job-creating economic growth.
UPDATE: the Fox News story is here.
When Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in 1969, my wife and I were newly married, living in Waianae, Hawaii. We watched the landing in our living room on a Sony MicroTV (4-1/2 inch diagonal screen) which I had bought years earlier while I was working in Okinawa. I still have the TV, although it hasn't worked in years.
The media (and liberals generally) are missing the point. Unlike Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party is not just a bunch of people dressing in funny clothes protesting in the streets in cities across America, it is a serious, long-term, low profile effort to change the direction of America.
“The purpose is to legally nominate their candidate,” Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, told “Tea Party Patriots are far more concerned about what laws are going to be passed than what they’re doing at a party in Florida and Charlotte.”Exactly.
“As long as our values are represented, we are making an effect. What we will be happy about is when bills are signed into law that repeal the president’s health care law, and when the budget is balanced and when we’re on the road to recovery,” she said. “The convention is just a very small step along the way.”
Here's an excerpt from the show.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Any day not, the FAA will propose requiring all birds to walk (waddle?) within 1 mile of an active runway. Or perhaps fining the birds who aggressively strike aircraft.
Ferguson's article created an avalanche of criticism from the left; he answers his critics here and here.
Linked from PJ Media.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
That said, however, even the Republican plan disappoints because even it limits the choice of health insurance options from which I can select.
Link from Instapundit.
Hmm. The Obama admiistration apparently agrees with Gen. Dempsey that the active military must be 'apolitical'; since 2008, it has done an excellent job of discouraging military voters.
Irrespective of whether or not the active military should be apolitical, Gen. Dempsey misses an essential point: the members of the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund are all ex-military. To say they can't speak out based in part on specialized knowledge they acquired while in the military is absurd.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
1) Colonization;
2) Coventry; or
3) Annihilation.
Colonization's been tried before, mostly unsuccessfully if one looks that nation-states that were former colonies. Coventry -- that is, embargo -- is the current option du jour, and it doesn't appear promising based on recent history. That leaves the third option -- total destruction of a nation's military capability -- which the Israelis appear to be seriously considering with respect to Iran.
Personally, I suspect the end result being forced on the West will be a combination of 2) and 3): attack Iran, Syria, and possibly others, destroy their governments, infrastructure, and military capability in toto (literally to bounce the rubble) and then walk away, putting a strong embargo in place to prevent any other nation from helping them rebuild.
Unfortunately the Islamic extremists seem to be wedded to the strong horse theory, so the strong horse may yet be forced to demonstrate its true strength.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Activists would have us believe that the issue of marriage is about the “rights” and “equality” of homosexuals. But in reality, the push to redefine marriage is about demanding public approval and celebration of homosexuality. There is a difference. Slot machines are legal in some areas, but if the COO of Chick-fil-a had expressed a personal disapproval of gambling, would slot-machine supporters have demanded a boycott of his restaurants? What about smokers? Would they have lambasted Dan Cathy for expressing that he personally does not approve of smoking?For progressives, though, if you disagree or disapprove, you must be hateful or evil. For them, it's always about control.
No. Because at the end of the day, gamblers want the right to gamble, and smokers want the right to smoke cigarettes. Both groups, however, have accepted the fact that not everyone approves of their choice to do these things.
I think we’ve all had quite enough of government and other organizations telling us what constitutes a fulfilling life.Taken from this Hot Air post. Unfortunately, as is becoming more and more obvious, the nanny-staters -- both in and out of government -- have decided that we can't be trusted to evaluate risks and make our own decisions as to what constitutes a fulfilling life.
Longevity is merely one dimension of a life, and there is no evidence that any of the would-be nannies can extend life or prevent death. Health is another, and so is adventure, victory in physical tests, intellectual accomplishment, business success, political success, etc., etc., etc.!!!
We all deserve to receive accurate risk information, but the choice is OURS!! As long as you are not interfering with other people’s choices, NOBODY else has the right to dictate how you ought to live.
So if someone chooses a risky profession that he enjoys, or a profession like football which has huge rewards and health risks, it is his right to be LEFT ALONE to “spend his life” as he chooses.
It's time for them to butt out.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Of course, in the land of Lake Wobegon, where everyone is above average, there are no unintended consequences.
There is a forming consensus that something must be done, but not on when it must be done. I'm strongly of the view that border control must come first; after that, the rest should be easier.
"I will not abide...." That's what I would tell my children when they were pre-K and misbehaved.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Think that attitude is limited to health professionals? Think again.
My little prediction algorithm is now showing 45% strongly in favor of Romney; 20% strongly in favor of Obama; and 35% 'on the fence'. If the undecideds break 2:1 in favor of Obama, as past history tends to indicate, it would mean a 56/44 victory for Romney.
If the undecideds break evenly, the election will be a 62/38 blowout.
Or maybe not beggars....
Frankly, I vote for the latter.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Forget about the partisan aspect of this article and explain why it's a good idea to register the passive, ignorant, and unconcerned to vote.
That said, what's wrong with merit as the decision criteria?
What really burns me is that none -- none! ... not one! -- of these consequences were unknown or unanticipated. They were simply swept under the rug by the environmental enthusiasts as not being relevant to 'saving the environment'.
(7.65%): Yes. As a presidential candidate, Romney is obligated to be more transparent.Obviously not what the Democrats want you to believe.
(86.13%): No. I don’t care if he releases his returns, and I don’t care how much he’s paid in taxes.
(6.22%): Only if Dems have hard proof that his tax bills were inordinately low.
Chick-fil-A is not about gay marriage or Christianity at all.... It’s about power. It is morphing into an overt test of whether the cultural elite can have its way. The problem with National Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day is that it constitutes an act of open defiance by manifesting all too publicly the contempt that a fairly large segment of the population has for shibboleths of political correctness.Read the whole thing. It's been over two weeks now, and I notice that my local Chick-fil-A is still crowded.
Frankly I'm a little annoyed at the hullaballoo about Biden's most recent 'chains' gaffe. Of course Biden is a gaffe-master, but the fault here lies with the Democrats who have rewritten the English language to add racial overtones to nearly every word in the dictionary except possibly 'and', 'but', and 'the'. Remember 'niggardly'? And 'black hole'?
COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.From my email. Whoever wrote this did an excellent job of capturing the essence of two real Abbott & Costello routines: Who's on first? and Loafing.
ABBOTT: Good Subject. Terrible Times. It's 9%.
COSTELLO: That many people are out of work?
ABBOTT: No, that's 16%.
COSTELLO: You just said 9%.
ABBOTT: 9% Unemployed.
COSTELLO: Right 9% out of work.
ABBOTT: No, that's 16%.
COSTELLO: Okay, so it's 16% unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, that's 9%...
COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 9% or 16%?
ABBOTT: 9% are unemployed. 16% are out of work.
COSTELLO: IF you are out of work you are unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, you can't count the "Out of Work" as the unemployed. You have to look for work to be unemployed.
ABBOTT: No, you miss my point.
COSTELLO: What point?
ABBOTT: Someone who doesn't look for work, can't be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn't be fair.
COSTELLO: To whom?
ABBOTT: The unemployed.
COSTELLO: But they are ALL out of work.
ABBOTT: No, the unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are out of work stopped looking. They gave up. And, if you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the unemployed.
COSTELLO: So if you're off the unemployment rolls, that would count as less unemployment?
ABBOTT: Unemployment would go down. Absolutely!
COSTELLO: The unemployment just goes down because you don't look for work?
ABBOTT: Absolutely it goes down. That's how you get to 9%. Otherwise it would be 16%. You don't want to read about 16% unemployment, do ya?
COSTELLO: That would be frightening.
ABBOTT: Absolutely.
COSTELLO: Wait, I got a question for you. That means there are two ways to bring down the unemployment number?
ABBOTT: Two ways is correct.
COSTELLO: Unemployment can go down if someone gets a job?
ABBOTT: Correct.
COSTELLO: And unemployment can also go down if you stop looking for a job?
ABBOTT: Bingo.
COSTELLO: So there are two ways to bring unemployment down, and the easier of the two is to just stop looking for work.
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like an economist.
COSTELLO: I don't even know what I just said!
ABBOTT: Now you're thinking like a politician.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
America is one Nation under God. American history has been a story of the many becoming one – uniting to preserve liberty, uniting to build the greatest economy in the world, uniting to save the world from unspeakable darkness. Everywhere I go in America there are monuments that list those who have given their lives. There is no mention of their race, their party affiliation or what they did for a living. They lived and died under a single flag fighting for a single purpose. They pledged allegiance to the United States of America. So, Mr. President, take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago and let us get about rebuilding and reuniting America.And:
America runs on freedom. Free men and women, pursuing their dreams, working hard to build a better future for their families. This is what propels our economy. When an American succeeds, when she wins a promotion, when he creates a business, it is that individual, that American that has earned it, that has built it. Government does not build our businesses, the American people do.The full text is here.
The Daily Beast's Kirsten Powers tried that number on Fox's Special Report last night; it went over like the proverbial lead balloon.
Uh, yes. Republicans -- and seniors, and women, and independents - are 'coming out' for Ryan and Romney. Deal with it.
Monday, August 13, 2012
UPDATE: We just found out in the mail today that the government wants to pay us more!
Added: the video of Ryan's evisceration of ObamaCare.
So the Romneys are selfish for keeping a horse? And employing a groom with a family to support. And paying for feed that’s sold by someone with a family to support and transported in trucks by someone with a family to support and manufactured in a factory by people with families to support from stuff that’s grown by farmers with families to support. And having a barn built by construction workers with families to support with materials trucked by drivers with families to support from factories with workers with families to support. Sounds to me like that one horse has done more to put Americans to work than that horse’s ass in the White House.From my email.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
It's not just welfare; it's the Obama administration's attitude that if they can't change the law, then they should ignore it, refuse to enforce it, or waive it -- all because they 'know better'.
Registering to vote isn't complicated. By and large, Americans who don't vote don't want to vote. In 2008 the Census Bureau found that by far the largest share of unregistered voters (46 percent) reported that they were "not interested in the election [or] not interested in politics." Their nonparticipation is rational, and we should respect it.Why should those of us who take voting seriously enough to go out of our way to register want to increase electoral participation by those who won't?
For someone with money to invest, this looks like opportunity is knocking.
Oh? Are my lying eyes failing again? That sure looks like a lot of humans of the female persuasion with their offspring to me.
And here's the other end of the 1 km long line where we entered. The Obama counterprotest was a bit weak.... The barber shop was open ... the line of Romney supporters passed by for over three hours. The Obama campaign's Manassas headquarters -- they were very quiet.
We finally gave up on getting into the Pavilion and went to the overflow area to watch the rally on a large-screen video unit across the street. The rally was largely standard stump speech -- even Paul Ryan's comments were a rehash of what I had heard earlier in the morning when he was first introduced in Norfolk.
Romney did get in a nice jab at Obama's "you didn't build your business" comment, however, when he noted that he didn't think the bus driver deserved credit for the honor student's achievements even though the student rode the bus to school every day. Here's a picture of a mother sharing her joy at getting one of the very first Romney/Ryan campaign stickers. Other, smaller, stickers were being passed out just before the campaign rally ended.
And a picture of the Harris Pavilion taken from across the street at the overflow area. The police had the area cordoned off, but it's clear that the Pavilion is jammed. And finally, a short video of the campaign bus leaving afterward. Romney is in the front of the bus on the left. Paul Ryan is standing beside him, and (I think) that's Romney's wife Ann just behind Ryan.
Instapundit has much more. In the view from the campaign bus (link) I'm standing just out of the picture on the left side. Also check out Stacy McCain's Update V link for more photos.
View Larger Map
When we arrived at rally site (Harris Pavilion in Old Town) shortly after 2 pm, the entrance line started at the corner of Church and Battle streets, went south two blocks on Battle street, made a U-turn back up Battle street to Center street, turned right on Center street to South Main street, turned right on South Main to the railroad tracks, turned right and followed the railroad tracks back to Battle street, then right again on Battle street (for the third time), up Battle street to Church street (where we started), then left on Church to West street, and (finally) another left on West street to the entrance of Harris Pavilion.
The line length, measured from the map, is roughly 1 km long, and figuring a density of about 3 people per meter of length, equates to about 3,000 people. We didn't make it into Harris Pavilion, which was filled when we got to the final turn up Battle street. The line was still at least 2,000 people long when we left the line to go the overflow area next to the train station.
The mayor of Manassas estimated the crowd at 10,000; my guess that he underestimated a little. I spoke with a Romney campaign volunteer who told me they were expecting around 6 thousand and was clearly surprised by the turnout. The Romney volunteers deserve a whole lot of credit for keeping things moving when they were obviously nearly overwhelmed by the crowd. The crowd deserves equal or more credit for behaviour that was polite, cheerful, and -- clean. When we finally left, there was no trash anywhere to pick up.
Photos and comments to follow.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Lots more from Instapundit. And my wife and I will be going to the Romney/Ryan campaign stop in Manassas later this afternoon.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Both 'factoids' are equally germane to the election.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
As parents, we try to prepare decent meals, limit how much junk food our kids eat, and ensure they have a reasonably balanced diet.Michelle Obama needs to mind her own kitchen table. I'll mind mine.
And when we’re putting in all that effort the last thing we want is for our hard work to be undone each day in the school cafeteria. When we send our kids to school, we expect that they won’t be eating the kind of fatty, salty, sugary foods that we try to keep them from eating at home. We want the food they get at school to be the same kind of food we would serve at our own kitchen tables.
Dear Fellow Virginians,
Now that we're about half way through the Olympics, I thought it appropriate to reflect on the accomplishment that put Mitt Romney on the national (and international) stage: the turnaround of the 2002 Winter Olympics.
This is important for several reasons, first among them the continuing contrast of real-world accomplishments that Mitt Romney has achieved compared to the complete dearth of accomplishment of the current President when he ran for President (to say nothing of what he has done to America since he took office).
I think that it is objectively accurate to say that Barack Obama was the least accomplished person to ever ascend to the Presidency in my lifetime and probably all the way back through the 20th century, if not ever. What did he accomplish in the U.S. Senate? Nothing. What did he accomplish in the Illinois State Senate? Nothing - including frequently (147 times I think) not even voting even though he was present... pretty basic. What did he accomplish outside of government? Nothing that he seems to want to talk about...
Prior to being elected to anything, Mitt Romney founded and led Bain Capital, a pioneering and successful venture capital firm for more than a decade and a half. And in February 1999, he was asked to take over the effort to plan for and execute the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City.
I'm writing about Romney's 2002 Olympic accomplishment because it was completely non-partisan, difficult to achieve, and represents a reasonable analogy for the choice before us in the 2012 Presidential election.
Upon Arrival
First, let's look at what he was walking into. The 2002 Winter Olympics weren't merely struggling, they were mired in scandal. Do you remember the discovery of the $1 million worth of gifts and bribes to International Olympic Committee (IOC) members to win the Olympics in the first place? That's what Romney was walking into.
But that's not all. When Mitt Romney came on board, the budget for the 2002 Olympics was $1.45 billion, but it was $380 million in deficit. Executives were spending lavishly on meals and travel, going to meetings with large entourages, and the culture within the organization was such that they would never have gotten into the black without a radical turnaround. Sound like a useful example for the federal government?
On his way in, Romney thought the problem he was confronting was 80% a public relations problem and 20% a management problem. After only three weeks on the job, he concluded the problem was 80% management and only 20% public relations. And he rolled up his sleeves and got to work.
To cut to the chase on the numbers, Romney cut $200 million out of the budget (a 15% cut) and finished $100 million in the black... with praise for the accomplishment coming from every corner of America and beyond. A 15% cut in the federal budget would cut the deficit in half.
Making it Happen
To achieve this unprecedented Olympic turnaround required many things: strategic planning, hard-nosed decision making, even harder-nosed execution of those decisions, and a change in the corporate culture (and day-to-day operation) of the whole Salt Lake City committee - starting at the top.
Romney immediately stopped the lavish dinners. At meetings, executives had to pay for their own coffee and doughnuts, had to buy slices of pizza for $1 each, sodas for 25 cents. The entourages stopped going on trips. Trips were cut short or eliminated, e.g., Romney's December 1999 report to the IOC in Switzerland was done by teleconference, saving 3 days travel and $10,000.
Romney and his team questioned basic assumptions about how an Olympics should (must?) be run. When something didn't seem to make sense, he would drill down on it and frequently find that, in fact, it didn't make sense! And over the side such things would go.
For example, having a daily "Olympic Newspaper..." Why not let the papers in Salt Lake City handle that job? And so they did.
No limos for VIPS. No lavish hotel suites or parties for the IOC or anyone else. All business.
Romney also donated each of his three years' of salary - $275,000 per year - to charity? Additionally, he personally donated about $1,000,000 of his personal money to the Olympics. No shortage of personal commitment at the top of this organization.
The last time the U.S. hosted the Winter Olympics prior to 2002 was in Lake Placid, New York in 1980. One of the gripes the Obama folks lob in about this incredible accomplishment is that the 2002 Winter Olympics got federal funds. Which is certainly true. However, while just under 20% of the 2002 budget came from federal funds, in Lake Placid in 1980 that number was about 50%.
Would I prefer no federal money? Sure I would, but Romney got a lot less federal help to pull off a winter Olympics than Lake Placid, and he started in a deep, deep hole.
Well, this is obvious. America is in a deep financial hole. And Barack Obama has violated the first rule of holes since the day he was sworn in, namely, when you're in a hole - stop digging.
Our federal government needs a turnaround. It involves more than just our President, but the President plays a critical leadership role.
We need to replace our current President - one who insists on continuing to dig us into deeper and deeper holes (e.g., last month's jobs report and rise in unemployment) - with a President who has a track record of executive accomplishment.
I would respectfully suggest that President Obama has had three and a half years of failure as President, and nothing prior to 2008 to point to and say "this shows what I can do." Mitt Romney has achievements that he can point to and say "this shows what I can do," but none of them stand out like his arduous, three-year turnaround of the 2002 Winter Olympics.
Half way through the 2012 Summer Olympics, as Americans and others around the world celebrate great accomplishments, it seemed to me to be a good time to reflect back on one of Mitt Romney's greatest accomplishments.
Please share the comparison of accomplishment versus none.
Ken Cuccinelli, II
Attorney General of Virginia