Monday, August 20, 2012

REPORT: Muslim Brotherhood ‘Crucifies’ Opponents. If this report is literally true, then I think the West is rapidly being reduced to two, perhaps three, options with respect to the Middle East:

1) Colonization;
2) Coventry; or
3) Annihilation.

Colonization's been tried before, mostly unsuccessfully if one looks that nation-states that were former colonies. Coventry -- that is, embargo -- is the current option du jour, and it doesn't appear promising based on recent history. That leaves the third option -- total destruction of a nation's military capability -- which the Israelis appear to be seriously considering with respect to Iran.

Personally, I suspect the end result being forced on the West will be a combination of 2) and 3): attack Iran, Syria, and possibly others, destroy their governments, infrastructure, and military capability in toto (literally to bounce the rubble) and then walk away, putting a strong embargo in place to prevent any other nation from helping them rebuild.

Unfortunately the Islamic extremists seem to be wedded to the strong horse theory, so the strong horse may yet be forced to demonstrate its true strength.

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