Tuesday, June 19, 2012

RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane: How much is ‘enough’? President Obama has long been a proponent of 'fairness' ("I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.") so I ask what are the limits to 'fairness'? Is fairness strictly limited to earnings? Or does it extend to wealth?
Is is fair that I own a 4-bedroom house when it's occupied by only my wife and
myself? Or should the government step in and require that I move to a one-bedroom apartment?

Is it 'fair' that I own over an acre of land where my house is located? Or should my property be broken up into 1/4 acre (or smaller) parcels and given to others?

Is it 'fair' for me to have two cars when there are only two of us? Or should we be forced to give up one car to someone else who is needier?

Is it 'fair' for me to take Social Security when I could live on my retirement income? Or should I be forced out of a system I've paid into for over 40 years?

Is it 'fair' for me to be on Medicare when I could afford private insurance (assuming, of course that Obama would let an insurance company sell me a high-limit health insurance policy)? Or should the government force me into Medicaid?

Is it 'fair' for me to bequeath my estate to my children and grandchildren? Or should the government tax it all away for the benefit of others?
Obama's vision of 'fairness' is a zero-sum game: a nation of equal poverty (except for the government overseers, of course).

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