Saturday, June 22, 2024

NO HORSE SENSE at the Pentagon. It's mostly about the treatment of the horses of the Caisson Platoon, a unit of the Old Guard, whose horses are tasked with pulling the caissons of Herbert Hoover, Franklyn D. Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and many, many others to thier final resting place in Arlington Cemetery.

But this stands out:
But as awful as this situation is, there is a deeper issue at stake. The U.S. military can find the resources to fund DEI initiatives and pay for surgeries and hormone therapy for transgender troops. It can waste over $300 million dollars to build an ill-considered and ultimately inoperable humanitarian Gaza Pier, mostly for the sake of a photo op for the Biden Administration. To argue, as Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth did to Congress, that there was a lack of resources available to maintain and care for the 64 horses that perform one of our nation’s most treasured ceremonies for our fallen heroes is to admit that we have a military led by those whose priorities are too distorted and twisted to be entrusted with our nation’s security.
I blame the Biden administration.

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