Friday, June 28, 2024

INSIDE BIDEN’S DEBATE DISASTER and the scramble to quell Democratic panic.

Linked from Instapundit.
KURT SCHLICHTER: Do you feel a draft coming on?
Our military’s purpose under this garbage ruling class is not the defense of America. It is the defense of the ruling class’s pagan obsessions. When climate change is allegedly our greatest strategic threat, you don’t have a serious military. You have a college faculty in camouflage. When diversity is supposed to be our strength instead of raw combat power, you don’t have a serious military. You have a joke.

Except this joke’s not funny. Normal people aren’t laughing.
Nor are they volunteering. Even veterans are telling our young to stay the hell out of our broken military.
CLIMATE CHANGE IS AN EDUCATION ISSUE? In Chicago, yes. Chicago teacher union demanding climate reform in contract negotiations.
SALENA ZITO: Welcome to Bedford, Pennsylvania.
I wish it weren't true.
THEY'RE NOT KIND: Thoughts on the Trump/Biden debate.
OBAMA WEIGHS IN on last night's presidential debate:
"Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know.... But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn't change that, and it's why so much is at stake in November."
He's campaigning for Trump?
It's now 99 of 100....
RANDOM THOUGHT ON JOE BIDEN'S AMERICA: "A cricket in every pot". And a windmill on every corner.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

MY POST-DEBATE THOUGHT, TOO: Trump indicted for murdering elderly man on CNN.

It's America's News of Record....
HOW SPACESHIPONE’S HISTORIC LAUNCH 20 YEARS AGO paved the way for a new space tourism era.

Fast-forward 20 years:

NASA indefinitely delays Boeing's Starliner return to Earth, stranding two astronauts at the Space Station.

Two Falcon Heavy side cores landing almost simultaneously after NASA's GOES-U launch.

No real tourism (yet) but the Space-X Falcon's reusability is rapidly bringing the cost-to-orbit down, and Starship's heavy lift capability will help make human habitation in low Earth orbit feasible.
POWERLINE'S STEVEN HAYWARD handicaps tonight's presidential debate.
I’m not sure who first observed that a lot of progressivism these days has the effect of transferring income from the middle class to the upper class, this is certainly true of much of the 'green' tax credits and subsidies that are supposedly driving our 'energy transition.'
If only they'd actually observe....
ELECT JOE BIDEN: How do you go broke selling hot wings, pretty girls, and cold beer?
AUSTIN, TEXAS HAS BEEN BARKING-AT-THE-MOON MAD FOR YEARS. Here's more proof if any is needed.

It was a beautiful city when I lived there many, many years ago.
A COMPLETELY BOZO MAGAZINE declares war on pets.

Idiots. Morons. Nutters.
RED FLAG LAWS are not necessary to prevent dangerous people from having guns.

Common sense (and involuntary committment to appropriate facilities) is.
SWIMMING (AND MERIT) NOT NECESSARY: Georgetown law professor says photo of U.S. olympic swim team is evidence of Jim Crow.

Just another candidate for the (academic?) Looney Tunes Hall of Fame....
MEET THE LATEST DEVIANT to join the Biden administration.

Let's send Biden and his merry band of lunatics back under the rocks they crawled out from under in November.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A MORE WORTHY NEWS NETWORK: Jake Tapper could cost CNN $1 billion in defamation suit.
SINCE THEY SELL SATIRE, the Babylon Bee's tag line is 'Fake News You Can Trust'. But with the progressive Left's penchant for self-satirization, the line between actual news and satire is getting blurred.

Here's a current example: Hamas loses house seat to Democrats.
IF IT'S HARVARD, IT'S DUMB: Here's proof.
On the bright side, Jamaal Boman has reduced the size of the 'squad' by one.
IN OTHER WORDS, A USEFUL IDIOT: Anatomy of a jerk.
SUPREME COURT clears the way for a wealth tax because Obamacare was a tax.

If that idea holds, prudent Americans are in deep doo-doo.
THE CLIMATE CULT is nothing new.
P.J. O'Rourke: "At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."
It's just liberal performance art to satisfy their swollen egos....
THE NATIONAL GUARD forgets itself.
So, with that set, let’s see what the person in charge of the National Guard Bureau, General Daniel Hokanson, USA, via Stars & Stripes has to say about his job:
About 2,500 members of the National Guard are assisting U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in monitoring border crossings. Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the chief of the force, said their time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.
Hmmm, I’m not sure what is more of a fundamental mission of anyone in uniform than, if called, to defend the integrity of their nation’s borders. Everything else is a lesser included mission.
Explain to me what mission is more important than protecting the homeland from within our border?
WHO IS THIS DARK MONEY GREEN ENERGY GROUP? The group is named The Civic Involvement Fund (CIF).
Don't bother Googling them because they have no footprint on the web. They don't show up on tax records because they have no paid employees. During odd-numbered years they do nothing except collect checks worth tens of millions of dollars from a handful of anonymous donors. Then, when the next election cycle kicks off, they flush all of that cash into the coffers of Democrats running against Republicans and conservatives, including the Biden administration. This is a perfect example of the muddy, murky bottom of the Washington swamp.
Find the source(s) of the funds and my bet is that much, if not most, will be from foreign entities.
TRUMP PREPARES FOR TOMORROW'S DEBATE by going to nursing home and arguing with dementia patients.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee, but that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea....

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

ONLY 33%? One third of federal financial aid goes to negative ROI degrees.

And (obviously) those are the ones being 'forgiven'....

It's woke.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Saturday, June 22, 2024

QUOTATION OF THE DAY: Booker T. Washington.

One hundred thirteen years ago, and still true today.
JOE BIDEN, PROOF OF CLIMATE CHANGE? Study links climate change to a politician’s decline in ‘speech complexity and productivity’.
MIKE ROWE gives us something to stand for.

I'm looking forward to seeing "Something to Stand For" when (if) it comes to my neck of the woods.
NO HORSE SENSE at the Pentagon. It's mostly about the treatment of the horses of the Caisson Platoon, a unit of the Old Guard, whose horses are tasked with pulling the caissons of Herbert Hoover, Franklyn D. Roosevelt, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and many, many others to thier final resting place in Arlington Cemetery.

But this stands out:
But as awful as this situation is, there is a deeper issue at stake. The U.S. military can find the resources to fund DEI initiatives and pay for surgeries and hormone therapy for transgender troops. It can waste over $300 million dollars to build an ill-considered and ultimately inoperable humanitarian Gaza Pier, mostly for the sake of a photo op for the Biden Administration. To argue, as Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth did to Congress, that there was a lack of resources available to maintain and care for the 64 horses that perform one of our nation’s most treasured ceremonies for our fallen heroes is to admit that we have a military led by those whose priorities are too distorted and twisted to be entrusted with our nation’s security.
I blame the Biden administration.
I THINK IT'S SATIRE: White House asks migrants to hold off on raping and murdering any more Americans until after election.

From America's News of Record.
THE 10 COMMANDMENTS Democrats have approved for display in public schools.
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: Boston liberal arts college blames low enrollment, possible staff cuts on anti-Israel protests.

Sometimes unintended consequences are a good thing....
RFK JR. IS RIGHT — ballots will restore faith in our elections.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN gets unscientific about homeschools.

I used to subscribe when it was still 'scientific', but that was long, long ago....

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

THE RESISTANCE to a new Trump administration has already started.
A sprawling network of Democratic officials, progressive activists, watchdog groups and ex-Republicans has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency, drawn together by the fear that Mr. Trump’s return to power would pose a grave threat not just to their agenda but to American democracy itself.
HEH: If this pans out, Trump might finally win the Nobel Peace Prize he deserves.
POWERLINE: We can't have an election; we're Democrats.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needs to go back to kiddiegarten ... oh, wait, she is in Congress.
LIKE THE WAY THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY OPERATES? IRS plans to close 'major' tax loophole used by wealthy Americans.
HEH: Obama panics as his Biden Remote Control loses connection.

Yes, it is the Babylon Bee but remember the Bee is now America's News of Record.

[Minor Quibble] TOTUS requires 3-phase 220-volt AC power.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Karine Jean-Pierre's hair style looks like the business end of a dust mop.
YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR ELECT: Rogue prosecutors and the rise of crime.
INSUFFICIENT RACISM IN TEXAS: Local Texas Democrat engulfs himself in a Jussie Smollett-style fiasco.

Monday, June 17, 2024

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How Left-wing conspiracies work.
ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: Protecting the environment to death.
WRONG MOVE. Humanitarian aid is Hamas aid.
THE MARCH OF DIMES SYNDROME: When the problem is solved, the activists move on.
IMPRIMIS: Sports should unify, not divide us.
MAKE NUCLEAR POWER GREAT AGAIN: A return to common sense.
THE BABYLON BEE IS NO LONGER A SATIRE SITE: Merrick Garland threatens to arrest anyone who says his DOJ is corrupt.

It's reporting straight news....
WELL, IT IS A REPUBLIC: CNN freaks out over MAGA Republicans calling the U.S. a 'Republic'.

A democratic Republic: The person who is the president of the most powerful nation on earth gets exactly the same vote as the town drunk.
TOWNHALL: What to expect in the first presidential debate.
US NAVY FINALLY TAKES ACTION in Yemen against Houthis, destroying their radar capabilities.

About time.
AS THEY SHOULD BE: This is why Democrats are panicking about Joe Biden.
JEWISH STUDENTS, come here to the South — where you’ll be safe. And get a better education as well.

Linked from this Instapundit post.
HEH: Stanford disinformation project collapses under scrutiny.
'PENCIL NECK' attacks millions of Americans with vile 'deplorable' statement.

Or 'Watermelon Head'. Your choice....

Sunday, June 16, 2024

JONATHAN TURLEY EVISCERATES MERRICK GARLAND: 'So logically disconnected, even CNN hosts have mocked him.'
IT JUST GOT HARDER for Democrats to steal Michigan in November.

That doesn't mean they won't try. Stay alert.
TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME MELTDOWN OF THE WEEK "Stories [read as lies] really matter to the Left. It's the only way they can continue creating their unreal reality."
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The West is sick of the new 'woke' jihadism.
[W]oke jihadism would never have found resonance had Western leaders -- vote-conscious heads of state, timid university presidents, and radicalized big-city mayors and police chiefs -- not ignored blatant violations of laws against illegal immigration, vandalism, assault, illegal occupation, and rioting.
I wish I were as confident as Hanson appears to be....
THE NUMBERS DON’T LIE: Americans’ purchasing power is down under Biden.

I've noticed. Despite some rather impressive gains, my savings/IRA funds are now worth less after inflation than they were when Biden was inaugurated in January 2021.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, my favorite:
Biden's cognitive test and Palestine's history are pretty good, too. Go see them all.
GOOD ADVICE: If you don't want to be killed, don't take hostages.
WEST COAST, MESSED COAST: “The modern world West Coast does not need to be satirized; for it is satirizing itself.” Read on (and take note of the blank spaces in the post).
WE DID GOOD: NASA’s Voyager 1 resumes full operations, transmits valuable data after overcoming malfunction. I say 'we' because I joined that team shortly after completing my Master's degree in 1973.
DEMOCRATS: Behold the monster you created.
THIS IS HOW REAL AMERICA LIVES, WORKS, DRIVES, AND VACATIONS: 75,000 square foot Buc-ee's opens in Luling, Texas, along Interstate 10.
Stores like these are great. They are quintessentially American. We are all about our cars and trucks, our summer travel, and our drinks and snacks for that travel, which has given rise to this purely American establishment: The super-sized roadside travel store.
Blame President Eisenhower....
MARTIN HACKWORTH ON SUBSTACK: "Yo, you over there in the keffiyeh asking about Zionists on this bus. I'm actually a hillbilly from Appalachia, but for the moment, I self-identify as a Jew. Come on over and let's have a chat."
BIOLOGICAL SEX IS REAL, 'GENDER IDENTITY' IS ABUSE: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on 'gender-affirming care' for children.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Don't call them guns. They're remotely-operated hole punches.
ELON MUSK’S SUPREME COURT PETITION is a window into how a leftist 'justice' system works.
Kangaroos should be insulted.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN for 90-year-old veteran working in the ‘sweltering heat’ so he can afford ‘to eat’ reaches almost $250K.

What's particularly heartwarming about the story is that even with all that cash, he intends to keep working.
SHE LIES: Pelosi has desperate 'revisionist' response to bombshell j6 video. The Capitol police chief responded, and he didn't hold back....
DONALD TRUMP narrates seven famous historic battles. Mike Lindell approves.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
NOT SO BREAKING NEWS: Attorney General Merrick Garland holds House of Representatives in contempt.
WHY? ISN'T CRIME GOOD? ‘There’s a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime.’

It's Minneapolis, where dumb is also good.
MARTHA'S VINEYARD is running out of pot.

I can't stop laughing.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I'M DOUBTFUL: Can blue states and cities recover? It'll be easier -- and cheaper -- to just raze them and start anew.
'FREE FOOD' MARKET costs taxpayers [meaning 'us'] over $5 million.
READ IT: The Washington Post's headline about Israel rescuing its hostages is beyond outrageous.
THE DAILY CHART: Common law making a comeback?

If only....
PowerLine's Week in Pictures has many more. Go see them.
BREAKING: Guilty verdict reached in Hunter Biden trial. Sentencing is TBD, but the smart money is on no jail time.
ZOMBIE ADMINISTRATIONS produce zombie companies.
DONALD TRUMP'S ‘Letter from the Rikers Island Jail’ is hilarious.
BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT HUMAN: They hate humanity and want it extinct.

Not even close to human....
WHAT AN IDIOT. AOC worries Donald Trump would throw her in jail if he wins presidency.

He would (properly) put her in a mental institution....
NANCY PELOSI IS ON THE OTHER SIDE: Winston Marshall argues that populism is not a threat democracy, but rather is democracy itself.
DO YOU REALLY TRUST JOE BIDEN with his finger on the nuclear button?

Monday, June 10, 2024

BECAUSE AMERICA MIGHT REALIZE BIDEN HIMSELF IS AN AI DEEPFAKE? DOJ claims it can't release Biden-Hur interview due to threat of AI deepfakes.
NEVER -- I REPEAT, NEVER -- MOVE TO CONNECTICUT: Town Council votes not to fly 'Thin Blue Line Flag' for slain cop. votes to fly pride flag instead.
BECAUSE THE LEFT IS LIKEWISE ENAMORED? Palestinianism is based on antisemitism, sexism, homophobia and denial of human rights. so why is the Left so in love with it?
IT’S SATIRE, BUT JUST BARELY: Ilhan Omar calls for day of mourning over hostages rescued.

I'd call it news....
SANITY MAKES A RETURN: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin declares 'independence from California' as Virginia exits emissions pact.

Instapundit takes note.

I lived there for nearly 12 years. Virginia was never a Blue state; it was --and is -- a Red state polluted by proximity to Washington DC.
BEHIND BARS? Hunter trial turns into Biden family reunion.
A SOUND IDEA: Texas Republicans propose powerful election rule to fight back against Democrats.
KURT SCHLICHTER: America can choose to be great again.
The cynics say “No,” and it would be a lie to pretend that they have no evidence. After all, you look at the Greatest Generation and what they did to save the world from socialism in various forms and beat the Depression, and then you look at the next generation and how they put a man on the moon, gave us the 80s, and beat the socialists in the Cold War, and then you look with disgust at this generation and the best it can do is COVID panic, DEI, and resurrected socialism.
Schlichter asks "Is there still courage and strength in Americans? Do we measure up to our forefathers?"

"Yes. Let me tell you a story."
I was asked to represent the family of one of the Marines killed by Biden and his Pentagon’s shameful incompetence in Kabul, and I have permission to discuss it. I was present (with another lawyer and ex-colonel/battalion commander) when the Marine Corps sent a colonel out to brief the family on the investigation findings. That briefing differed from later testimony and revelations in key ways, but that’s not the issue here. What is important here is what those young Americans did.

They never backed off. They were courageous. They were heroes.
But will we? Go read the whole thing.
BECAUSE AMERICA MIGHT REALIZE BIDEN HIMSELF IS AN AI DEEPFAKE? DOJ claims it can't release Biden-Hur interview due to threat of AI deepfakes.
WHY JOHNNY CAN'T BUILD: Rebuilding America needs a focus on common sense ways to address common needs.

Duh. Read the whole thing.
I ABSOLUTELY 100% AGREE: “The non-profit industrial complex is destroying America. We ought to figure out ways to ban it.”

Sunday, June 09, 2024

IF ONLY THEY CAME IN THREES: Ammo Grrrll remembers her very bad, no good, terrible day.

In my life, three's a minimum.
CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD TO MSNBC: It isn't MAGA messaging; it's reality messaging.
A LOOK AT HOW THE SAUSAGE IS MADE: An insider's perspective on pharmacy benefit managers.

It isn't pretty.
THE BABYLON BEE prepares New Yorkers for moving to Florida.

My advice? Don't move; I might want to move back myself.
TILTING AT WINDMILLS: The NFL got its Butker kicked. As much as I (used to) enjoy watching NFL football, I'm pretty much giving it up.

Streaming and sports announcers have also given it a bad name.
GUESS WHAT? The U.S. is a banana republic.
WELL YES: Disinformation conspiracies turn out to be true again and again.

It's the Left, after all....
YES, PLEASE: Abolish the Ivy League?

I think this quote is getting traction: "Alumni should all ask their alma mater to disclose how much funding they have received from Qatar, China, and other foreign sources." I would only change 'ask' to 'demand' before I contributed another penny (assuming I were to contribute at all).
CDR SALAMANDER: Failure will continue until accountability improves. (Hopefully starting Nov. 5, 2024 and continuing beyond).
Empires don’t often die in a blaze of glory, no. More often than not they end in simpering apologies and excuses from poor leaders putting the wrong people in positions they have no place being, and when they fail - there is no accountability.

We are supposed to be a serious nation with serious obligations. We have serious competitor-nations who wish our nation and those we support harm.

We - and if we like it or not it is Uncle Sam and his taxpayers - inherited stewardship of the global system that cannot prosper when it’s primary force continues to demonstrate abject incompetence - from Afghanistan to Gaza - all the while holding no one accountable. Our enemies are encouraged and our friends disheartened. It is almost as if the humiliation and failure is the actual goal.
That last sentence rings true....
ANDREW MALCOLM: The story a black rock told me on a Montana mountainside.

HE MAY BE AN ASSHOLE, but he's my asshole.
THE DAILY CHART: Biden raids the Strategic Petroleum Reserve again.

But not to worry; he'll buy more from Iran, refine it in Venezuela, and replenish after he wins....

Saturday, June 08, 2024

MY DECISION TO LEAVE ACADEMIA: What do you do when your passion and career trajectory have been infected with amorality?
KURT SCHLICHTER writes on what's next if Trump wins in November:
Between now and Trump's inauguration.

The first 100 days.
I'm looking forward to it.
AND THEY'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT: Nearly half of all US governors urge drastic change for global health organization before new pandemic hits.

A global Fauci? You gotta be freakin' kidding!

Arthur C. Clarke already told us.
JOE BIDEN COULD BOW OUT by feigning nobility. Here's how:
if Hunter is found guilty [in his gun trial], probably in September, he likely be sentenced to time in federal prison.

Would Joe make the family bag man, the son he loves, go to prison?

Here's the answer that would please everyone. Assuming Hunter's cases really go to trial — a big if [no, the gun trial has begun] — Joe would pardon Hunter, who then wouldn't go to prison, and since that pardon would be a presidential abuse of power, Joe would take the political 'L' and resign. It would be a win-win.
Unfortunately he's incapable of even feigning nobility.
ARGENTINA'S chainsaw revolution is underway. Instapundit notes "You’ve got to watch out for those wannabe fascists who [checking notes] want to dramatically shrink government and leave voters alone!"
THIS COULD WILL GET INTERESTING: Irrestible force to meet immoveable object.
THERE ARE PLENTY TO CHOOSE FROM: Iran confirms they are interviewing several new turban-wearing bearded genocidal psychopaths to replace deceased President.

Yes, America's News of Record is now reporting straight news...
WWII VETERAN ON THE STATE OF AMERICA TODAY: "I feel like a foreigner in my own country and I don't like it".

So do I.
ALL THE RAGE: Victor Davis Hanson shows the Left their face in the mirror.
In regard to the authors’ unwarranted self-regard and cluelessness about the world beyond their comprehension, rarely has the poet Horace’s putdown in his Satires seemed more appropriate: Quid rides? Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur. — “Why do you laugh? Change only the name, and the story applies to yourself.”
It's long, but exquisitely written and devastating to the Leftist hubris. Nemesis awaits.

Take the time and read it all.
TOO MANY: How many people will have to die before we get rid of DEI?
HEH: An ode to manual transmissions (and quill pens).
And yes, it is a millennial anti-theft device....
TURN ON THE LIGHTS and watch the roaches scatter.

Stomp on as many as you can....
I PREFER TO HAVE THEM HURT PHYSICALLY but I'll settle for financial pain. Will the anti-semites pay?
NO WORRIES, MATE: Only the living donate money; the cemeteries only donate votes.
YES, AND IT MUST INCLUDE JAIL TIME: Will Democrats pay a price for their cynical lawfare strategy?
HE BELIEVES IT, AND HE'S RIGHT: Americans with private insurance may pay more than Medicare patients.

As an over-65er, all you need to do is look at your monthly Medicare summary to see the disparity between what physicians/hospitals charge and what Medicare pays. It's astonishing.
NOTHING, WHEN DEMOCRATS ARE IN CHARGE: What does law have to do with justice?
INTERESTING: The backdoor to control the internet.

And frightening, when you realize how much power there is in your PC, laptop, tablet, and cell phone that you can't see.
MAYBE SOLAR AIN'T THAT GREAT: Solar's been taking a beating lately.

For those reading the whole article -- and it's longer than usual -- then HRR = heat release rate and PV = photovoltaic (so you won't have to look them up as I did).
AN ESSAY ON THE HOUSING CRISIS: Roofs, not ceilings.

Read it all. Then, for a layman's explanation, read -- if you can find it -- 'A Bathroom of Her Own' in Robert Heinlein's Expanded Universe (1980).

Friday, June 07, 2024

I hope that I am speaking for millions of other Americans who are fed up with the left, liberals, and the Democrat Party. I have said before and I will say it again: Republicans, STOP BEING NICE. The time has come. Stop putting up with them, stop being tolerant of them and their views, and stop tip-toeing around them.
It must be the new mindset for conservatives.
IN THE POST BELOW I suggested that the Trump conviction was the opening shot in America's second Civil War.

Even ESPN's Stephen Smith, no fan of Trump, thinks "it all points to civil war in this country."

Richard Fernandez of the Belmont Club has a more nuanced view, thinking "it will resolve whether America will survive as a distinct cultural entity or ... become a non-special part of a future Global World, governed ...from Washington D.C."
YES. It's time to fight dirty.
We need to start fighting dirty, like they [Democrats] do. If we don't, what remains of our constitutional order will continue to dissipate until all that remains is the totalitarian state they've been working for generations to achieve, complete with state censorship, show trials, and political prisoners.

And when I say we need to fight dirty, let me clarify what I am not saying. I am not saying that we should persecute innocent people, like the Left does. I am saying that we need to go full-throttle, no-holds-barred lawfare against those who do break the law and smugly get away with it.
Full throttle it is (or should be).
WHAT TO DO NOW? It is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president.

And where do we go from here?
If Joe Biden is re-elected following this outrage, he will be an illegitimate president. What does that mean? It means, I think, that no one should be obliged to follow his executive orders. All such orders will be illegitimate and should be disregarded, as appropriate. Likewise, residents of the sane states, and their public officials, should be free to disregard rules and orders that come out of the Biden administration’s agencies–the Biden EPA, and so on. And rulings of Biden-appointed judges, or of panels on which one or more Biden judges were part of the majority, should not be given any precedential effect.
From where I live in 'indian country', that is already happening....
LOSERS ALL: Meet the University of Florida students arrested at Hamas-endorsed protest.

That's not saying much for Biden's Cabinet....
TRUMP CONVICTION: It has been a bit over a week now and I am still appalled by the judicial travesty that occurred May 30.
In my opinion, what happened is the equivalent of the attack on Fort Sumter, marking the official beginning of the (first) American Civil War. Trump's conviction may be the beginning of the second.

I hope not, but as Kurt Schlichter has written many times in his Kelly Turnbull series of novels, they are warnings, not predictions.

Although the Left seems to take them to heart as instructions....
GOOD RIDDANCE: Intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country.

Unfortunately it'll never happen, but it is a pleasant thought.
BECAUSE THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING: Colleges withhold students’ degrees over pro-Palestinian protests.
BERNIE SANDERS vows to boycott Congressional address by Benjamin Netanyahu.

I suggest he go 'whole hog' and boycott Congress by resigning.
D-DAY; THE DAY AFTER THE DAY BEFORE: It seems inevitable that the best commentaries come later in the day after I've finished posting. Here are some more that I think worthy.

A D-Day letter from a GI to his bride.

White House statement on the 80th anniversary of D-Day as a National Day of Rememberance.

Trump honors D-Day veterans as the ‘greatest Americans to walk on Earth’.

The Longest Day: 80 years ago today.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

THE KING'S SPEECH: Charles III speaks in Normandy and shows what class looks like. Unlike some others.

I was born some 6 months after D-Day. I will be 80 years old in about 6 months. I find it sad to note that in merely 80 years, D-Day has gone from a major turning point in world history to merely a footnote.
BRET BAIER: D-Day 80th anniversary is powerful reminder that freedom requires eternal vigilance.
I'VE SEEN NOTHING AS COMPELLING ON THE NEWS TODAY AS this video of President Ronald Reagan speaking at Normandy 40 years ago today. Please listen.
D-DAY, 80 YEARS LATER: On this day in history, June 6, 1944, US and Allies invade Normandy.

The post was originally written in 2023, but the message is everlasting. Read the comments (again).