Wednesday, May 26, 2021

THE DIPLOMAD WRITES: "The land of the free/Where the less you know/The better off you'll be...."
Diploson3 had an interesting observation in disagreement with me. I told him I was getting my guns before they banned them. He argued they won't bother with that. The prog-wokes will let us keep our guns and obsess about keeping them, while they do away with all the other rights and protections. The law enforcement, judicial, and military institutions are joining the education and media establishments in becoming tools of the prog-woke machine. The "cancel" effort grows stronger and bolder. Non-woke positions are harder and harder to express. The censorship grows and grows, making communication of "unpopular" ideas ever tougher. The woke have established that the government, under a flimsy pretext, can keep us locked in our homes, dependent on hand-outs, unable to gather with friends and organize with like-minded individuals; the electoral process is a joke from top to bottom. They don't need to take our guns, for now.
I fear the Diploson may be right....

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