Thursday, September 24, 2020

WILL THE UNICORN STAMPEDE BE TO -- OR FROM -- CALIFORNIA? Gavin Newsom: By 2035 all automobiles must be powered by unicorn farts. Read the comments. This one, by one Ron Stanford, particularly stands out:
It would only take three billion dollars to build six Desalination Plants to supply fresh drinking was to all of California's major coastal cities. The Israelis have greatly reduced the price and the energy needed to create such constructs.

No more droughts. No more water rationing. Water your lawns. Make Central California the bread basket of the world again.

A small nuclear reactor, which is much safer and energy efficient than the traditional models, costs about 750 million per. So, for five billion, we could have 6 - 7 nuclear plants.

No more brownouts. No more turning off the A/C when it's hot. Encourage businesses to open in California with the promise of cheap, reliable, energy.

The cost would be around eight billion dollars.

But those weren't built.

What was?

The eight billion dollars were wisely spent squandered on a commuter train from Bakersfield to Mercer. From Nowheresville to East Cow Paddy.

Years overdue, utterly unneeded, and incompetently built (a bridge built for the High Speed Rail slightly faster than average train recently collapsed), it's proven that the current administration can't build train-tracks on flat farmland.

What to do? Nancy Pelosi's nephew wants to create laws that take effect after he's been run out of town on a train-rail retires with a generous pension and the thanks of a grateful state.
He can't be run our of town on a rail; the unicorn fart train has stalled.

Sarah Hoyt has more on California's glorious green future.

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