Tuesday, July 02, 2019

BERNIE SANDERS' OWN STATE showed 'Medicare for all' won't work:
Bernie Sanders' home state of Vermont, governed entirely by Democrats at the time, killed off its proposal for single-payer healthcare. Democratic Gov. Pete Shumlin signed the bill to implement the program in 2011. He also pulled the plug on the program in 2015 when he found out that it would double his state's budget. Vermonters would have had to pay an 11.5% payroll tax, plus a 9-point increase in the state income tax.

In Colorado, voters rejected single-payer healthcare for the same reason, with 79% voting against a plan that would have more than doubled their state budget. And in California, where Democrats have the power to do just about any crazy thing they like, Democrats killed their own Healthy California single-payer healthcare plan because it would have tripled their state budget.
Quick summary: "The Democrats on stage Thursday night who embraced 'Medicare for all' were not just wrong, they were out of their minds. "

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