Sunday, September 16, 2018

IT'S TIME to begin my annual Fall Foliage picture series. I thought I was beginning a bit earlier than usual this year, but I looked up last year's series, and it started on September 17th.

Here's the first image, our usual view from our outdoor deck. We've had some plants moved over the year, and a few trees removed. The two in the foreground on the right are both dead/dying, so they're to be removed as soon as we can get it scheduled. The pond is - as usual - almost obscured by the foliage, but it will soon become much more visible.

This photo is new from last year: looking toward the fire pit from the deck. The view is looking mostly north, with our 'street' (read gravel road) on the left side. The view is roughly the same as last year's pictures looking down the driveway.

Here's looking back at the house, taken roughly halfway down the path to the pond. That's the deck, facing off the back of the single carport. The house itself is mostly obscured by foliage - it'll gradually appear as fall rolls on.

Here's the pond, taken from the end of the path looking across the dock. The primary creek that feeds the pond is at the left; the secondary creek (mostly underground) is just right of center. There is another house in the picture, on the left side, but it's completely obscured by the trees. It will become (just barely) visible as fall progresses.

And finally, the dock and our (obscured) house, taken from the opposite side of the pond where the secondary creek feeds the pond.

As the weeks roll on, I'll continue taking pretty much the same 5 pictures, maybe moving a little to get somewhat better views through the foliage.

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