Wednesday, March 11, 2015

FROM MY EMAIL: Thoughts on ‘EmailGate’.
On Hillary's statement that (most of) her official emails were sent to .gov accounts and were therefore properly retained, how does someone/organization do a FOIA request? Would you have to FOIA everyone who might have received an email from her? How would you know if you missed some?

Also, since at least some of her staff used email accounts on the same server, what are the odds that all of those were turned over? I would think that a great many emails would be to people within her own staff, especially concerning policies, talking points and various affairs of state.

Finally, wasn't everything (yeah, right) turned over in hard copy form? Fifty-five thousand pages to be scanned before they can be searched and collated.
AND SOME SNARK: “Didn't Valerie Jarrett say that she and no one she knew received any emails from Hillary? Doesn't she know Obama? It's been reported that he received some. Maybe she just meant no one important.”

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