Wednesday, December 18, 2013

WHAT GOES AROUND, comes around:
Republicans will eventually retake the Senate majority and when they do, don't be surprised if something like the following are their first three rules changes (which will only need 51 votes, thanks to Harry Reid):
— Senate committees will each include only one member of the minority party and the minority staff for each Senate committee shall consist of one individual whose hourly compensation will equal the District of Columbia's minimum wage (not to exceed 29 hours in any one week).

— Senators representing the minority party shall have speaking privileges on the Senate floor on alternative Tuesdays and Thursdays, with each individual minority party senator's total speaking time not to exceed five minutes for any 24-hour period and only for the purpose of introducing commemorative resolutions of interest to residents of their respective states.

— Two-thirds majorities of both the majority and minority party caucuses shall be required to change any Senate rule.
The first two would bring welcome silence from the Democrats; the third is actually somewhat sensible.

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