Tuesday, January 01, 2013

RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane on the day after the narcissistic tinpot wannabe dictator took to the White House podium to gloat:
After witnessing the President's arrogance this afternoon, I urge you to give up any attempt at a tax deal and let the Democrats go over the cliff.

Yes, it'll hurt me, but that's a price I'm willing to pay.

Let the nation know that the Democrats demanded tax hikes without spending cuts, and they got them - in spades. Tell the Democrats that they made the bed, now they get to sleep in it. Sweet dreams, y'all.

Then tell President Obama that in the next Congress, the Republicans (who still have the House) will consider letting the Democrats reduce taxes, but ONLY as part of tax reform, ONLY with dollar-for-dollar (or more) spending cuts, and ONLY after the spending cuts are locked in place.

It's time for Republicans to take the offensive. We know from the last four years that nice guys finish last, and I, for one, am tired of finishing last. If Republicans have to be a tough-as-nails SOBs to win, then so be it.

To the cliff. No apologies.
Sent to House Speaker John Boehner, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and my Virginia congresscritters.

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