Monday, September 17, 2012

Last week one of our largest coal mines in Buchanan County was idled and hundreds of our fellow Virginians were placed on indefinite unpaid leave. This isn't the first economic hardship our state has faced, and certainly won't be the last. However, this one is different than anything we've seen before.

When he took office, President Obama promised to turn the country and our economy around. He took drastic measures by passing massive bailouts and supposed jobs programs. Not only have these policies not gotten Americans back to work, but they have increased our nation's debt by over $5 Trillion in less than four years.

Just like the law of gravity, which cannot be defied, there are undeniable and unavoidable economic laws.

In an economy that was already struggling and where resources were hard to come by, why would the President enact job-destroying regulations on private sector businesses that are trying to just stay afloat?

When President Obama spoke about creating jobs, he was talking only about jobs that get his permission. That's why his administration "invested" more than $500 Million into the now bankrupt Solyndra solar energy company.

At the same time that Obama was throwing money at his pet, Solyndra, he was taking it from hardworking American taxpayers and borrowing it from our kids and grandkids.

Obama has been choosing winners and losers. The winners were his Washington cronies and the losers are anyone who works in an industry not favored by President Obama.

This week I am taking a trip to Southwest Virginia. I'll again see firsthand the devastating effects of Obama's economy on the lives of the individuals in small communities in places like Abingdon and Wytheville.

Let's be clear, every time that President Obama comes out against coal, or other industries, it is a direct attack on the livelihood of Virginians.

We have the largest coal exporting port in the United States right here in Hampton Roads. Even if you don't work directly for a coal company, coal provides almost half of all of Virginia's energy, and in the poorest parts of Virginia, coal powers over 75% of the electricity.

President Obama's war on jobs has to end. It's time to stand up to President Obama and tell him that he doesn't know best. Individuals are better at making personal decisions than any government.

We are a country that was founded on the principle that we can all earn our own living - not take some government handout, or ask the government to pick and choose winners and losers, but to really earn it for ourselves.

Mitt Romney understands who built this economy: hard working American entrepreneurs. He understands that the free market is the driving force of innovation, and when our own government stays out of our way is when we achieve the most.
From my email.

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