Friday, December 23, 2011

WHY CAN'T WE put the "X" back in Xmas? It's not just the schools, of course, they're just another indicator.

Here's the question I'd ask instead.

It's pretty clear that the secular, multi-culti Left is leading the charge against Christmas, so here is my question. To the Left, all cultures are equal, there is no objective reality, and tolerance for all cultures is the rule. So ... if all that is true, and Christian cultures are equal to secular cultures, Santa is no more real than the keyboard I'm typing on, and tolerance is required, why the vociferous hatred for Christmas and all its symbols?

Could it be that deep down, where they're shallow, that they know that cultures aren't equal, there is an objective reality, and tolerance should be reserved for those who deserve it?

Just a thought.

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