Wednesday, October 26, 2011

MUCH OF THE MEDIA has taken the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) study released this week as proof that global warming is real. Dr. William Briggs is less sanguine.
BEST has confirmed what everybody—and I mean everybody—already believed: that temperature changes. BEST has not—I repeat not; I repeat it in bold: not; I repeat it in italics: not—proved why the temperature has changed.

That is, BEST has not given any evidence that the temperatures changes because a particular theory of anthropogenic global warming is true. Nor has it proven that any AGW theory is false. BEST says nothing one way or another. As in nothing. As is not one thing. As in it remains mute. As in AGW is not confirmed nor discomfirmed by BEST. As in the debate is not over.

BEST believes that, over the past two centuries, the temperature went up in about two-thirds of all land-based stations. BEST also believes, and has so stated, that the temperature went down in about one-third of all land-based stations. As in decreased. As in became cooler. As in, it is not so that everywhere became hotter.

BEST has said nothing about temperature changes over most of the EARTH’s surface, which is to say, the oceans. As in BEST had nothing to say about most of the planet. And BEST has confined itself to a very brief period of time.
Read it all. Then go to Briggs' original post (math warning) for more. I found the comments especially fascinating, not so much because I really understood them, but for the reminder of how much I've forgotten in the nearly 35 years since my Ph.D.

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