Saturday, April 16, 2011

I wondered if it would be possible to explain the many contradictions of Obama and the mystery of his origins and incomprehensible nature of his domestic and foreign policies to better understand him and predict why he seems to be steering the ship of state onto the shoals. I think I've finally got it .... Barack is not one person. The man we know as Barack Obama is really two people, identical twins.
It’s an interesting read, but not original. There was a short story, I believe in a 1960’s-ish issue of Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, based on exactly the same premise. A “Kennedy-like” patriarch raises multiple identical siblings to be the eventual president of the United States. Each sibling was educated specifically for one aspect of the presidency (foreign policy, domestic policy, campaign policy, etc.) and one was chosen to be the face of the President while the others remained hidden.

The difference with Feldman’s hypothesis is that, in the story, the multiple siblings were competent.

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