Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Just for curiosity, I decided to check the headlines for two cable news websites, FOX NEWS and CNN, to see how they compared. The lists below were taken from screen captures at 11:15 am this morning, September 15. FOX had 19 “top stories;” CNN, 21.

FOX Headlines
- Mullen: More Troops = Victory
- Senate Cuts ACORN Loose
- Closing In on Ivy League Campus Killer?
* 'Cash for Clunkers' Spawns Retail Sales Hike
- Airline Workers Busted on Drug Smuggling Charges
- Israel, Palestinians Guilty of 'War Crimes'?
- North Korea Unwilling to Give Up Nukes, South Says
- Recount Ordered at 10 Percent of Afghan Polls
* Iraqi Shoe Thrower Freed, Claims He Was Tortured
- H1N1 Spreads Long After Fever
- Obama Renews Push for Wall Street Oversight
* House to Discipline Wilson for 'You Lie!' Outburst
- FBI: Watch Out for Bomb Materials in NYC
- Schools on Pledge: You Have Right to Remain Silent
- Teens Sue Team Over 'God Bless America' Ejection
- Tracking Taxes: Unnecessary Earmark Projects Linger
? Baucus Health Bill May Leave Dems Cold
- Iran Nuclear Talks Likely to Be Held in Turkey
- McCain and Graham Hold Town Hall

CNN Headlines
- Student fatally stabbed at Florida school
- Actor Patrick Swayze dies after cancer fight
- Al Qaeda operative reported dead in U.S. strike
* Clunkers drives up retail sales
- 16 hurt after train hits barricade
- Ted's sons: Father 'very good at overcoming ...'
- Is Obama witch doctor image racist?
* Bush shoe thrower says he was tortured
? Don't cut my (public) health care
* Rep. Wilson faces resolution of disapproval
- Dem's 'urine' comments raise eyebrows
- Insurgents blown up by their own IED
- Girl, 8, hides, calls 911 during robbery
- Kanye tells Leno outburst 'was rude, period'
- Kanye gets called every name in the book
- Whitney Houston spills drug secrets
- Del Potro U.S. Open win is 'dream come true'
- 9 photos hooked on a feeling
- Police dog poisoned with anti-freeze
- Woman, 107, fears hubby No. 22 will leave her
- Senators split on approach to Afghanistan

Of 40 stories, only 4 (!) were common to both, and one (marked with question mark instead of the asterisk) I gave the benefit of doubt, since both the FOX and CNN stories were generally about healthcare.

Do FOX and CNN report on the same America?

1 comment:

  1. It's also interesting that it looks like CNN is trying to pander more, yet Fox gets higher ratings.
