Wednesday, May 13, 2009


“[M]ore than one Chrysler senior creditor has corroborated Thomas Lauria’s allegation that the Obama administration threatened them with public attacks if they didn’t surrender their contractual rights. One of their sources says that the Obama team comprises some of the worst ‘ends justify the means’ people he’s ever encountered.”

Paraphrasing Glenn Reynolds, the country is in the very best of [Mafia] hands.

1 comment:

  1. Because we assume we understand "Ends to justify the means," until we run up against the problem. Liberals don't get that they're making classic bad guy moves until it's too late and we're in a "Beat him to shut him up scenario."

    Like a guy would never cheat on his wife until he's in Vegas, drunk, and she swears she'll never tell a soul.

    Geez, I'm dark today, apparently. No more posting comments, just quiet lurkying.
