Thursday, May 07, 2009


On Tuesday, the D.C. City Council voted overwhelmingly (12-1) to approve a bill to recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. The lone dissenter, Council Member Marion Berry was accused by a fellow council member of bigotry for his vote. It was worthy of a 17-paragraph above-the-fold front-page placement in the Washington Post.

On Wednesday, there was a school choice rally (reported by Instapundit; follow his links) on Pennsylvania Avenue across the street from the D.C. City Council. The rally had an attendance estimated at over 1000.

Of course, there was no news story ... nothing! ... in the Washington Post this morning. In a separate Metro-section story on President Obama's D.C Voucher compromise proposal, there was one sentence referring to the protest in a 17-paragraph story.

Gay rights and bigotry – newsworthy. School choice – not newsworthy.

All the news that’s fit to print. Right.
Post Script: I was hopeful the Washington Times, D.C.'s conservative newspaper, would do better. Sadly, I was wrong.


  1. Or to look at it in another way, it's still news that someone can be accused of being a bigot simply for not believing in gay marriage, but it's not news that everyone's fed up with government.

    See? That's...that's what they were doing! I'm... I'm sure of it!

    Yep. Yeppers. Yep.

    Now on an unrelated note, I’m going to pound my keyboard for several minutes.

  2. Just don't spill coffee on the keyboard. I did, and it took several hours - and full disassembly - to clean up.
