Monday, February 23, 2009


Katie Allison Granju writes on Alexandra Pelosi’s documentary about Republican angst during the presidential campaign. In an interview about her documentary, Pelosi (daughter of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi) spoke in detail about her identification with her interviewees’ sense of exclusion. Now Katie Allison Granju:

But then she reveals how little she actually "gets" where her subjects are coming from when she says this:
Respectfully, I wanted to say to them, I live on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. I am on the winning side of capitalism. I work for HBO, corporate America. The Man has been good to me. You, on the other hand, are driving a truck that says, "Obama is a socialist idiot," and you're in a much lower tax bracket than most of the people in Manhattan that are voting for Obama. So the times I would actually get into it would be like, "OK, explain to me why you think he's an idiot. He's trying to give you a tax cut. You understand you're voting against your own self-interest?"

Surely she can see that it's just this kind of maternalistic, elitist filter that these folks in Pelosi's documentary object to. They don't necessarily want to live on 5th Avenue or work for HBO; they like driving a truck and living in Peoria. They don't want what she thinks they want or should want.

And that, for me, is the key point ... what the Democrats know I want and what I really want are diametrically opposed.

Hat tip Instapundit

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