Friday, February 27, 2009


My daughter had a job, not a great job, but a good job: a decent salary, life insurance, health insurance, a 401k. She had already taken a few steps up the ladder to success.

But her job was dependent in part on “the rich” and the “greedy capitalists” you and your Democrat colleagues so successfully demonized.

Now she doesn’t have a job - and neither do 15 of her co-workers.

And by the way, my wife and I will be staying in the workforce for another few years, denying those behind us on the ladder the opportunity to move up a few rungs.

Are you happy now?


  1. good post. i'm sure he is happy, too.

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Excellent point. I work for a small business, have for twenty years, and my boss is the best man I know. We are sweating it at the moment, after enjoying many years of growth and prosperity and contributing to the community where we are based by providing employment. I am always amazed by the misconceptions of other employees about the "boss" - they assume he's "rolling in it", never understanding about the costs associated with owning a company. Yes, he gets the lion's share of the rewards (when he actually takes a salary) but he also bears ALL of the responsibility. This should be rewarded, not punished...and one of the saddest things is, when this whole porkulus thing fails, many people will still not understand why it is so fundamentally flawed.

    Whew. Sorry for the rant...thanks for the vent!

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Thanks for the comment ... it's good to know others feel as I do.
