WHERE IS 'ROCK BOTTOM'? Biden’s net favorable rating now lower than Trump’s.
Much lower. Here's the data, taken from Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index for the first year of each of the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations:
In passing, note that the Trump approval index crossed above that of Obama at the beginning of the second year and remained above for the remaining three years despite the Democrats' continuing war against Trump.
So, what is Biden's rock bottom? Biden's base (those strongly approving) seems to be around 20%, slowly declining to (my guess) about 15%. Those strongly disapproving seem to be remaining in the 45%-50% range, slowly creeping up, and without much distance between 'disapproving' and 'strongly disapproving' -- about 8% or so.
The middle, those who neither strongly approve nor strongly disapprove, seems to be hovering about the 30% level.
My guess is that rock bottom for Biden is minus 40, assuming that the Biden base (strongly approving) drops to the 15% level and the middle drifts more to the disapproving side. More likely in my estimation is that the Biden base will remain and disapprovals will increase, with the bottom being in the minus 32 to 35 level.
More to come as time flies....
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