Sunday, June 30, 2019

A BIT LATE FOR ME, I THINK: Scientists have a promising cure for baldness.
THIS ARTICLE could have been written by our next-door neighbors when we lived in Virginia.

We miss them.
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, debate fatigue has set in.

Now go see the rest.
KAMALA HARRIS'S Berkeley school daze.
MORE POPCORN, PLEASE: Border bill tears apart Democrat caucus.
OREGON'S CAP-AND-TRADE 'Save the Earth from climate change' legislation is not going well.
WHO'D HAVE THUNK IT? The segregationists were Democrats.

Still are.
My biggest takeaway from the candidates in the Dem debates is there doesn’t seem to be any joy in any of them. They all seem to live in a perpetual state of anger, resentment and envy that absolutely poisons their lives. Those aren’t attractive qualities in political candidates. Say what you want about Trump but he rarely looks like he’s not having a good time. Optimism can be both attractive and contagious.
It seems to be the defining characteristic of progressives everywhere.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The United States can afford to stay calm with Iran.

National suicide is a solution....
OTHER THAN IT'S SILLY: The 5 big problems with Andrew Yang's $1000-a-month universal basic income proposal.
YES, WITH OUR MONEY: Bernie Sanders says all of his proposals are ‘fully paid for.’

Saturday, June 29, 2019

TUCKER CARLSON: The Democrat Party has broken from reality.
HUH? Progressive sweetheart J.K. Rowling attacked by SJWs over her 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism'.

What the hell is 'trans-exclusionary radical feminism'? Now I'm sorry I asked....
KURT SCHLICHTER: Joe Biden learns you can never be woke enough.

Some Schlichter zingers from his 'Wokepocalypse 2020' post:
They were a different breed of loathsome Democrat racists back then. They hated everyone who was not white. Today’s loathsome Democrat racists now hate everyone who is, but they are more flexible than that. The loathsome Democrats of today are not merely racists, but sexist religious bigots who hate men, observant Jews and Christians, as well as individual members of sexual and racial minorities who reject the poisonous ideology of progressivism.
Facts are a bourgeois conceit, you see, and they are themselves racist when they get in the way of the progressive narrative.
And finally:
With SJWs ... the calling out [of bigotry] is the purpose, not the elimination of the overwhelmingly fake bigotry plaguing our society in their fevered imaginations. If they ended bigotry, they’d have to go get jobs and that’s not in the cards.
Now go read it all.
THERE'S BEEN TOO MUCH WINNING: Democratic candidates call to fix the best U.S. economy we’ve had in a decade.

They believe it's time to go back to the old [Obama] normal.
PROBABLY NOT: Is Kamala Harris telling the truth about her Berkeley days?
FROM 5 YEARS AGO TODAY: None so blind as those who will not see. The discussion on immigration is as relevant today as it was five years ago.
THE DEMOCRAT DEBATE in one minute forty-three seconds.
OREGON’S GOVERNOR, chasing fleeing Republicans, once fled herself.

Standards are for Republicans; double standards are for Democrats.

Reminder: She lost; score another point for Democrat hypocrisy.
FIVE SUREFIRE ‘WOKE’ POLITICAL PROPOSALS for desperate Democrat presidential debaters.

A little late for the first debate, but there will be be more opportunities....
NO WAY: Just in case immigration resurfaces. Which it will.

Friday, June 28, 2019

A QUICK RECAP of two nights of the New Democratic Party.
IMPRIMIS: The danger of the attacks on the Electoral College.
SEN. MARCO RUBIO [R-FL] responds to Democrat presidential candidates on the border crisis: They don't have good answers 'in English or Spanish'.
ILLUSTRATING HIS PRIVILEGE: Beto's war tax. Not to mention his bona fides as a narcissistic elitist.
CLIMATE CRUSADERS poised to claim Oregon. And make it into another failed state.
PROJECT VERITAS reveals Google is a highly-biased political machine.

So of course it's 'deplatformed'... by Google.
WE SHOULD APPLAUD Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ongoing research into providing new answers to the age-old question, “How stupid can you get?”
THE 'WOKE' OLYMPICS: How anyone takes these people seriously is beyond me.
HEH. INDIGENOUS PEOPLE level a crushing blow to U.S. finded anti-oil sands campaign.
YES, IF THE BILL PASSES: Can Congress help Americans save for retirement?

But they can do much more by privatizing Social Security.
I MISSED THIS EARLIER: the candidate lineup for night 2 of the first Democrat debate.
THE DEMOCRAT DEBATES: "If we didn't showcase them, how would people know they are idiots?"

Comment of the day from this Don Surber post.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

POST DEBATE: Kamala Harris won seems to be the consensus. Oh?
UNREAL: Busted for defending your own home.
TO PREVENT WILDFIRES, California's entire power grid is subject to planned blackouts. So freezing in the dark is preferable to being burnt alive....

The choices of progressivism.
IT’S NOT A BRIBE when you use other people’s money.

Just remember that while you're busy spending other people's money, other people are busy spending your money.
RANDOM THOUGHT as the Democrat presidential debate continues: Beware of Democrats bearing gifts (of 'free stuff').
THE EMPTY RADICALISM of the climate apocalypse.

Keep in mind as the Democrat presidential primaries grind on....
Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Bruce Ohr and his wife, they are all facing either criminal referrals or likely criminal referrals. And this is going to be a slow, drawn-out process all the way to the 2020 elections.
Don't forget Clapper....
AND THE WINNER of the first Democrat debate is ... President Trump.

Tonight let's go for two.
ELUSIVE VIRTUES: Why do some parts of the world seem to defy efforts to achieve any degree of unity and peace?

A long but worthy post, the gist of which is this: "The periodic outbreaks of Islamic radicalism have been around a lot longer than modern democracy and much more resistant to change."
CYBER WAR: U.S. escalates online attacks on Russia’s power grid. It's not just Iran that's been warned.
I GUESS IT'LL HAVE TO BE WAR THEN: Iran "permanently closing diplomacy with the United States."

Neither President Trump nor I have any objection.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

I'M SO OLD I remember when America fought against 'godless communism'. Today the Democrat Socialists are fighting for it....
DEMOCRATS: There's no border crisis, but it's all Trump's fault.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

THAT CAN'T BE, SAN FRANCISCO IS A SANCTUARY CITY: Violent crime up sharply in San Francisco BART stations.
CHANGE 'SLOW' TO 'NO' AND I THINK YOU'VE GOT IT: Slow learners on the Left.

The more things seem to change, the more they remain the same.
VOTE DEMOCRAT: You too can be a victim
The first "See me; I'm a victim too" carnival starts tomorrow in Miami.
DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA'S VETERANS – You're too dumb to choose.

The lede could be changed to DEMOCRATS TO AMERICA and the article would still be accurate.

Monday, June 24, 2019

ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: [I]t was 'literally easier' for her to be elected to Congress than to pay off student loans.

Well, of course. To be elected to Congress, all she had to do was dupe a few thousand useful idiots; to pay off her student loans, she had to get a job.
'MS. LEWANDOWSKI' makes Democrats look stupid foolish.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

ANOTHER GREAT MOMENT in progressive insanity. Maybe it's just me, but my sense is that progressivism is hellbent on achieving the ultimate Darwin Award.

Friday, June 21, 2019

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The new new normal.

Here's the Democrats' new normal:
... “Medicare for All,” wealth taxes, top income tax rates of 70 or 80 or 90 percent, a desire for a Supreme Court full of “wise Latinas” like Sonia Sotomayor, insidious curtailment of the First and Second Amendments, open borders, blanket amnesties, reparations, judges as progressive legislators, permissible infanticide, abolition of student debt, elimination of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau and the Electoral College, voting rights for 16-year-olds and felons, and free college tuition.
And now Trump's new new normal:
... free-market capitalism but within a framework of fair rather than unfettered international trade, a smaller administrative state, less taxation and regulation, constitutionalist judges, more gas and oil, record low unemployment, 3-4 percent economic growth, and pressure on colleges to honor the Bill of Rights.
I prefer the latter.
HERE'S A THOUGHT: Make the Democrat Party pay reparations for slavery.

MORE REASONS to make Democrats pay.
AMMO GRRRLL: It's come to this.

Yes, unfortunately, it has....
FINALLY: thoughts on toxic femininity.
DISMANTLING OBAMACARE: one executive order at a time.

Here's more.
KILL THEM: How to respond to the pirates of Iran.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

BIG IDEAS AND LITTLE CANDIDATES: The big ideas are on the Right, the little candidates are on the Left.
KEEP IT UP, GUYS. California's pension fund faces crisis after shunning guns and tobacco. The more you shun, the more there is for me to buy.

And my personal pension fund (401K) is doing very well, thank you.
THE SANDERS MANIFESTO: Everything you wanted (or feared) to know about Bernie's Democratic Socialism. The gist - Socialists, Democratic or otherwise, think of the individual (you) as just another unit of production. No more, no less. As I've said time and time again, it's about control. It's always about control.

Watch the embedded video - if you can stand 45 minutes of Bernie.

RANDOM THOUGHT: The progressive Left's 'moral high ground' is a sewer.

Monday, June 17, 2019

WHY DO THE SELF-IDENTIFIED ‘DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS’ feel it’s OK to force those who’d rather be free into their collective? Like, say, ObamaCare? Or Bernie's Medicare for All?

ANSWER: Because they know what's best for you, whether you like it or not. And because it increases their opportunities for graft, corruption, and control. Most of all, control.
TAKE THE TOUR: You, too, can be a useful idiot.
IN THE NEAR FUTURE, you could be seated in an airplane's wings.

Window seats will be at a premium....
MANDATING GUN LOCKS can have unintended consequences.

Like making home invasions safer ... for the criminals.
LEFTISTS WILL BE LEFTISTS declaring their pet issues off limits for debate.

Why? Because shut up.
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, this view of the 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate frontrunners:

The 'B' Team: Biden, Bernie, Beth, and Buttigeig.

Now go see the rest of this week's cartoons.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

KELLYANNE CONWAY and the Hatch Act.
WALMART SELF-CHECKOUT MACHINE wins Employee Of The Month award again.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
CORPORATE CENSORSHIP: A short history of the social media thought police regime.

Some background on 'Never-Trumpism' from the comments here.
BIDEN: The Obama-Biden administration was the most scandal-free ever. Oh? Maybe you forgot these....

HERE'S WHY Joe thinks the Obama-Biden administration was scandal-free. (It's the Babylon Bee.)
OVERSPEND. THAT'S WHAT DEMOCRATS DO: The DNC has spent more money than it’s raised this year. At least this time it's their money they are overspending.
AMMO GRRRLL: A modest proposal for millennials liking socialism.
THE LEFT LOVES RELIGION (as long it's not in their way).

Wasn't it Karl Marx who called religion 'the opiate of the masses'?
LET THE BLUE STATES REMAIN BLUE (AS IN COLD IN THE DARK): Solar energy: A bad joke in the North.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

JIM ACOSTA: I wrote my book for Republicans.

Proving once again that he isn't very smart....
IT'S HARD to kill a Toyota.
A REMINDER about how the swamp views flyover country.
YES, YOU'RE READING IT RIGHT: Ruth Bader Ginsburg praises Brett Kavanaugh.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Why are Western middle classes so angry?
One - open borders
Two - globalization
Three - unelected bureaucrats
Four - media indoctrination
Five - politicized academia
Now go read the whole post for detail.
OCASIO-CORTEZ wants to raise the minimum wage - for herself (and other members of Congress).

And other amusing news of Democrat malfeasance....
ANDREW KLAVAN: Leftists Virtue Pose While Their Cities Die.

Well, yes. Yes, they do.

Friday, June 14, 2019

AN INTELLIGENT COMMENT from a Don Surber post (capitalization added):
What are the Gimmiecrats offering? Two dozen who all claim they can outsteal the rest. As Mencken said, an election is an advance sale of stolen goods.
The Dems brag how much they can steal.
Trump's trying to stop to stop the steal.
The art of the deal vs the art of the steal.
Surber's post is here.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Once again New Yorkers are complaining that they pay out more in taxes than they bring back in federal grants. Isn't that the point of 'tax the rich' progressivism?
CYBERSECURITY: These are the internet-of-things devices that are most targeted by hackers.
BECAUSE IT'S WHITE? Growing cauliflower is so ... colonial.
HEH: Environmentalists underbussed by Obama supporters.
WHOSE CHILDREN? Nothing causes liberal tears to flow like separating children from their parents at the Southern border:
In a pilot program, approximately 30% of rapid DNA tests of immigrant adults who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children who weren’t theirs revealed the adults were not related to the children….
So where is the Democrat outrage at separating children from their parents before the Southern border?
#METOO is both stupid and harmful to women.
RANDOM THOUGHT about tariffs as taxes. It's not a tax if you don't buy. There are always alternatives to Chinese goods.
PROGRESSIVE COLONIALISM, SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT: For all you Blue State refugees who want to bring your progressive culture with you: "I have an idea! All y'all could pack up your progressive colonialism ethic and go the hell back home."
BERNIE SANDERS explains Democratic Socialism.
FAIR WARNING: The Social Security 2100 Act would significantly harm Americans. That truth is obvious to anyone with a working brain, and the solution is equally obvious.

Which is what I've been advocating for years....
POWERLINE: The border crisis deepens.

PowerLine's post is almost a month old, and it's only getting worse.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

PIERS MORGAN interviews President Trump:

More here although the video has been taken down at that link. Perhaps this explains why:
Really impressive interview - Morgan was civil and Trump is just so impressive: both with his grasp of wide-ranging topics and his self-deprecating humor. This video made me like him even more.
Could that be why it was taken down?
NOT AS SICK AS I AM: Democrats already sick of their own candidates.
DEXOS 1 GEN 2, THE MAGIC MOTOR OIL: A few weeks ago I noticed that my Chevrolet pickup was a quart low in oil. Since I'm old enough to have changed oil in my past, I decided to add a quart myself.

So I went to the owner's manual to see what grade of oil I should use. That was hard, given that the maintenance information/specifications are scattered throughout the manual, hidden by pages and pages of safety nannyisms. But finally I found it: the Chevy Colorado uses a 'made especially for it' oil specification (Dexos 1 Gen2) that is not sold in your local auto parts store.

So I had to go to the dealer, to overspend for a quart of motor oil just formulated for me. What's next? Be over 18, show a drivers license, and provide registration and insurance information?

By the way, Dexos 1 Gen 2 is actually Mobil 1 synthetic oil (though GM won't officially admit it).

Much more here: "Oberlin 'basically begged for mercy at punitive damages hearing today'...”

Sock it to 'em, baby. Maximize the punitive damages; make Oberlin an object lesson for the 'woke' generation.

UPDATE: Oberlin College hit with maximum punitive damages (unfortunately capped by law at $22M).
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM. Kind of like crimeless theft or rape with consent.

Well said, Sarah.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

I'LL BET THE SERVICE WAS BETTER, TOO: One year after Sarah Sanders was refused service at the Red Hen restaurant, she dines with the Queen of England.

Just a thought, but I suspect the Red Hen wouldn't refuse to serve the Queen....
RANDOM THOUGHT: Democrats are the party of free stuff - but only the free stuff that they deem good for you.

And increases their ability to control your life....
COMRADE BERNIE’S American Socialist Dream would be a nightmare.
According to Sanders, the only solutions to the problems plaguing America is to “take the next step forward and guarantee every man, woman and child in our country basic economic rights – the right to quality health care, the right to as much education as one needs to succeed in our society, the right to a good job that pays a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to a secure retirement, and the right to live in a clean environment. … This is what I mean by democratic socialism.”
Notice that every single one of Bernie's so-called 'rights' is a duty imposed on someone else?
AMERICAN GREATNESS: Notes on the Great Realignment.

Read it all.
GET YOURSELF AN OUTFIT and be a hipster, too.

Oldsters (like me) will recognize the 'get yourself an outfit' phrase from the 1961 Kingston Trio album College Concert.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

WOW! THAT ROSTER of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates is ... underwhelming.
WHERE WERE YOU when the internet died?

Remember who said what when you vote in 2020....
IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN: Twitter bans God.
IF YOU'RE A SOCIALIST, everything is someone else's fault.

Monday, June 10, 2019

YES. Is Kamala Harris's campain doomed?

She lost everyone except her 'woke' base with the Kavanaugh hearings.
RANDOM THOUGHT from watching too much television: if gold and silver are such great investments, why are they selling?

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Saturday, June 08, 2019

IS THERE A TRAGEDY OF THE COMMONS in big technology? Yes, but with the bevy of competing interests, the solution (if any) is not evident.

Friday, June 07, 2019

KURT SCHLICHTER: California is the future the Liberal elite wants for you.

Note that it's your future, not theirs....
CRAZY IS MORE LIKE IT: CNN host Don Lemon says his show and his network are not 'liberal'.
DAY BY DAY: We had a dream.

The 'deplorables' did, too. Perhaps ours is coming true....

Wednesday, June 05, 2019


... to go from the greatest generation to the dumbest generation.

When did evolution become devolution?
D-DAY BY THE NUMBERS, and by the men. "There are damned few of those people left, their numbers shrinking daily. Don't forget them."
SUBSTITUTE 'DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM' FOR 'EVIL' and you'll be surprisingly close to the 2020 Democrat presidential campaign theme.
BERNIE SANDERS: Soviet Union and Venezuela are not examples of failed socialism.

True. They're examples of successful socialism.