Saturday, September 30, 2017

ONE YEAR OF CAMPUS CARRY ON TEXAS CAMPUSES, and how many problems? None. Zero. Nada. Not one.

What the gun banners forget is that if we really were as dangerous as they claim, they’d be too terrified to say anything.
THE LEFT BALKS as Sessions returns the Department of Justice to the rule of law.

The Left doesn't want the rule of law; they want the rule of progressive 'elites' (i.e., themselves).

There was nothing to buy....

Thursday, September 28, 2017

SOCIAL JUSTICE AT FENWAY PARK: a special kind of stupid.

Just a thought: Progressives have done more damage to race relations than any group I can think of in my 70+ years on Earth.
MICHELLE OBAMA joins Bugs Bunny's Legion of Maroons. Paraphrasing Michelle, "the only way for women to demonstrate that they don’t simply like what they’re told to like is to like the candidate that Michelle Obama told them to like."

I WAS GOING TO WATCH the Thursday night Bears-Packers NFL football game. I just turned the TV off after seeing both sides with the ridiculously idiotic 'linked arms' crap.

I won't watch the NFL again until the National Football League starts enforcing its own rule:
The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.

During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
Screw 'em. They've lost my respect - and my money - and I'll make sure at least some of their advertisers know it.

I'm not alone.
IT'S THE INTERSECTIONALITY, STUPID: It appears that a graduate degree in 'library science' is now needed to catalog childrens' books by victim groups. Challenging indeed.

To quote Bugs Bunny again, "What a maroon."
BREAKING NEWS: Captain Obvious has landed at the New York Times.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


GOV. JERRY BROWN FEELS A TAX INCREASE COMING SOON: California Is Already Preparing for a North Korean Nuclear Attack.

Never let a crisis go to waste....

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

WHEN DID THE NEW YORK TIMES get taken over by the National Lampoon? I don't think it was the National Lampoon; it had to have been MAD Magazine.
THINK OF IT as a first-hand tour of the inside of a jail: Journalists shouldn't be exempt from the law.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: A lying quartet (of Obama toadies). And that's a far-to-polite description of Susan Rice, James Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper.

I can only wonder why Hanson didn't make it a quintet with the addition of former UN ambassador Samantha Power.
LEBRON JAMES on why Ohio voted for Trump: Lack of education.

Especially if their collegiate degrees were in the liberal arts....
NEW YALE COLLEGE celebrates 'transgressive gender expression', calls its students 'lemurs'.

Regarding my earlier post about bringing back insane asylums, I have to admit we've probably already done so....
A MARINE'S LETTER to the National Football League. Well said, sir. And thank you for your service.
TRUMP IS CORRECT: NFL teams can legally fire players for their conduct.

And Greg Jarrett is also correct:
Don’t expect NFL owners to do the right thing by firing players. They’ve been coddling them for years, paying lavish salaries and tolerating misbehavior that is now endemic in football. Along the way, owners have become rich beyond imagination. The players run the teams, not the owners.
But we the people have the final say - with our wallets. Enough wallet closures and they'll begin to pay attention.
SPEAKER PAUL RYAN will not allow Congressional action on national concealed carry reciprocity to move bills forward.... The reason given is Ryan thinks the timing isn’t right to consider H.R. 2909, the D.C. Personal Protection Reciprocity Act, a supplement to state reciprocity provisions of H.R. 38.

So when will the timing be right?
RANDOM THOUGHT: Back in the 1950's when I first started reading science fiction I never dreamed I'd actually be living in Heinlein's "crazy years".

MORE PROOF THAT CALIFORNIANS ARE EFFIN' NUTS: Coffee sold in California could carry cancer warning labels.

Here's the kicker:
The lawyer taking on Big Coffee said the larger goal is to motivate the industry to remove the chemical from coffee, which would also benefit his own three-cup-a-day fix.

"I'm addicted — like two-thirds of the population," attorney Raphael Metzger said. "I would like the industry to get acrylamide out of the coffee so my addiction doesn't force me to ingest it."
He's crazy an addict, so rather than quit his addiction he wants to make his craziness addiction safe.

I'd say we need to bring back insane asylums, but a wall around California should be sufficient....

Monday, September 25, 2017

HOW TO PLAY FOOTBALL: snowflake edition.
ANALYSIS, TRUE: Conservative, Inc., is being replaced by us militant normals.

Follow the link to read the full post.

And if you're abnormal, remember this: "You don't get to win."

"One word says it all! One of 'those' days is how I feel in Democratic California."

It's been 18 years now and I'm even more grateful to be an ex-Californian
YET ANOTHER farewell to the National Football League.
SICKENING: How Obama is funding the anti-Trump resistance.

The Obama-nation was our worst political class ever. Not that the Republicans are doing much better.
NFL: No Fans Left. Especially after yesterday, I'm swearing off anything to do with the NFL.

Screw 'em.
TWO CARTOONS that express my contempt for progressive culture.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

NFL: No Fans Left. Coming soon to a stadium near you.
THE LEFT wants supermen to rule, but they aren't even giants.

Hell, they aren't even pygmies....
TRUMP: ‘Fire or suspend’ players who kneel for National Anthem. Agree, with the emphasis on 'fire them'. I suspect there are plenty of almost-as-good athletes out there who would be thrilled for the opportunity to stand for the National Anthem on an NFL playing field.

And until that happens, screw the NFL - I'll watch major league soccer instead.
CHICAGO’S AWESOME NEW SODA TAX produces predicted results. It won't be just shoppers leaving; it will come to residents leaving for greener less intrusive pastures.
DAILY BEAST: You know who the real hero of Florida after Irma was, right?

Only if you absolutely, positively, have to have that last cup of coffee....
NFL COMMISSIONER ROGER GOODELL: President Trump’s recent comments about players kneeling during the national anthem are “divisive” and show a “lack of respect” for the pro football league and its players.

Oh, nuts. He should look in a mirror; it is he and the professional football league he leads who are unworthy of any respect. I used to enjoy pro football, but for the nonce I think I'll limit myself to collegiate football - and international futbol (i.e., soccer).

MORE: Farewell to the NFL.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, End Times edition, is up. There are many good ones this week, on a variety of topics, but I chose to focus on Hillary. Here are the two best:

Now go see the rest.
AMAZON, GOOGLE, AND MICROSOFT: three reasons not to buy a robot.
NAH. THEY'RE JUST REVOLTING. Harvard faculty are revolting (over Chelsea Manning and Michelle Jones).

Harvard has roughly 2,000 full-time faculty members; of them only 156 (or 7.8%) have signed a petition demanding that the school reverse its decision to refuse admission to convicted child murderer Michelle Jones and to rescind a fellowship offer extended to Chelsea Manning.

What's (at least somewhat) surprising to me is that 92.2% of the faculty appear to be willing to let these goons - and that's what they are, goons - sully their reputations by association.
THE LIGHT IN HIS HALO BURNED OUT: Obama please go away!
CALIFORNIA: America's "rubber room".
I LOVE THIS ONE: "Why can’t my famous gender nonconforming friends get laid? To ask the question is to answer it."

Friday, September 22, 2017

CAN? CAN? Diversity can cause trouble.
THE CLEVELAND INDIANS' CHIEF WAHOO, the Robert E. Lee statue of baseball is now being criticized by the progressive yahoos who think they know everything.
Wahoo’s critics plug their ears and run at the mouth, so they haven’t heard the news that 90 percent of American Indians say that Native [American] imagery in sports doesn’t bother them. You’re offended on their behalf? There’s a word for that: paternalism.
There are better words. Idiots and lunatics are two that quickly come to mind. Bugs Bunny's all-season epithet 'maroon' has a certain appeal as well.
IT'S TIME to return to paper ballots and photo IDs for voting.

And then there's this: hackers targeted voter registration systems in 21 states. No proof, of course, but read between the lines: the hackers (a) must have been Russian and (b) trying to influence the election in Trump's favor.

Obviously. No 'real' (non-deplorable) American would ever vote for Trump....

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

WHAT HAPPENED? A horrible candidate lost. And she was - and remains - the best pick on the Democrats' used car candidate lot.

Odds are that when the 2020 models are announced the 2016 models will still be the better picks....
YOU DON'T SAY: "It’s almost like 'access to health care' isn’t a guarantee of better health." Medicare is great for the providers (unless you're actually a physician); for the patients (me), not so much.
REMEMBER, THAT SWORD HAS TWO EDGES: St. Louis officers chant ‘whose streets, our streets’ while arresting protesters.

Or as Kurt Schlicter writes, “Since they [the Left] are establishing new rules, there’s nothing wrong with applying them to our advantage.”
TECHNOLOGY: The future of computing depends on making it reversible.
[T]he most fundamental laws of physics are reversible, meaning that if you had complete knowledge of the state of a closed system at some time, you could always—at least in principle—run the laws of physics in reverse and determine the system’s exact state at any previous time.

To better see that, consider a game of billiards—an ideal one with no friction. If you were to make a movie of the balls bouncing off one another and the bumpers, the movie would look normal whether you ran it backward or forward: The collision physics would be the same, and you could work out the future configuration of the balls from their past configuration or vice versa equally easily.

The same fundamental reversibility holds for quantum-scale physics. As a consequence, you can’t have a situation in which two different detailed states of any physical system evolve into the exact same state at some later time, because that would make it impossible to determine the earlier state from the later one. In other words, at the lowest level in physics, information cannot be destroyed.

The reversibility of physics means that we can never truly erase information in a computer. Whenever we overwrite a bit of information with a new value, the previous information may be lost for all practical purposes, but it hasn’t really been physically destroyed. Instead it has been pushed out into the machine’s thermal environment, where it becomes entropy—in essence, randomized information—and manifests as heat.

A conventional computer is, essentially, an expensive electric heater that happens to perform a small amount of computation as a side effect.
So -- global warming, sorry, climate change is caused by cell phones?
HURRICANE HARVEY RECOVERY shows the Social Justice Warriors’ worldview is warped.
“In a little while, when the media, politicians, race pimps and academics go back to telling us ‘who we are,’ remember what you saw in Houston.”
And most recently, in Florida.

Monday, September 18, 2017

JOURNALISM'S MAN OF THE YEAR: an editor who actually edits. (Edits opinion out of news stories, not in....)
DOES EVERYTHING have to be ruined by Democrats and their blasted bigotry?

On the bright side, it's good of progressives to remind me that I really don't want to support their bigotry....
WHO'D'VE THUNK IT? Record-low ratings for Hollywood’s Trump hate fest.
THEY'RE BACK: Those wonderful Church bulletins.
The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.

Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.

The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.'The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'

Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.

Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.

Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.

Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.

The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 pm. Please use the back door.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 pm The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 pm at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.

The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: ‘I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours.'
From my email.
NEW YORK TIMES REPORTER: boy mowing White House lawn sends bad signal on child labor.

No, it's a bad signal for union labor....
CHEAPER, LIGHTER, QUIETER: the electrification of flight is at hand.
BRIBES -- er, incentives -- for Amazon. Pick the city you hate the most to 'win'.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

RURAL LIVES MATTER: Finally, some commonsense western fire policies.

Progressives responded, predictably, by accusing the NRA of 'inciting violence.' If by 'inciting violence' progressives mean encouraging Americans to vote them out of office, then yes, we're inciting violence.

SOMEONE ELSE’S COMPUTER: the prehistory of cloud computing.

On a personal level, one of my graduate student colleagues ran a small time-sharing service out of his home while we were both pursuing our doctorates; his service evolved to become AICS Research, which he ran until his untimely death in 2009.
COP HATER BENCHED: Professor put on leave for 'future dead cops' tweet.

Leave without pay pending firing, I hope.
EXPECT THE LEFT TO IMMEDIATELY DEMAND A BAN OF URINALS: Standing up to pee gives boys an unfair advantage in physics.
LOOKING AROUND OUTSIDE THIS MORNING, I've decided it time to start my annual "Autumn Leaves" series of posts. Here's the first:

The first view is looking north from the carport deck. The pond is barely visible above the stair rail, but it will become more visible as winter takes hold.

These next two are roughly the same view, the first taken from the loft window and the second from the terrace two levels down. From the loft view you can see that one of the trees has pretty well lost all its leaves.

Here are two more pond views; one from our 'coffee bench' about 1/3 of the way down the stairs to the pond, the other from the final turn to the water showing the dock and Waterbug paddle boat.

And finally a view down the driveway to Arapaho Walk. I'll continue posting every week until the trees are bare.
DON SURBER: "he {Trump] is Batman battling The Joker (mass media) and The Penguin (National Review)."

THE MELTING POT and America's Muslims.
JEFF JACOBY: Freedom of association is for businesses, too. Unless you're a politically incorrect (disfavored) business....
WHEN YOU’RE “THE RESISTANCE,” what difference does the Constitution make?

Saturday, September 16, 2017

FAR LEFT BULLIES suppress civil rights in California. With the blessing of Nancy Pelosi.
So those who oppose the far left – surely a majority, even in California – are not allowed to assemble. This is an intolerable (not to mention illegal) situation. It can’t be allowed to continue.
It hasn't.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The academic Left has so diminished the credential that I'm beginning to regret having opted for the Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) over the more traditional Sc.D. (Doctor of Science) degree when I completed my graduate studies.
A FREE-SPEECH RALLY, minus the free speech.
SILLY WOMEN FEMINISTS: Reality interferes with their beliefs so it must be ignored. Until the world blows up in their faces.

Ladies, welcome to reality.

Linked from Instapundit.
PITY THE POOR SNOWFLAKES: The curse of the 'woke' conservatives.
TECHNOLOGY: managing the solar power grid during the August eclipse.
MANAGEMENT 101: the robot loophole.
WE SHOULD BE SO LUCKY: the world will end on Sept. 23.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

INCOMPETENCE WASN'T ONE OF THEM: Hillary's got FORTY-THREE reasons why she didn't win.

Someday, perhaps, the progressives in the New Yorker's bubble will come to recognize that truth, but I doubt it.
DILBERT channels me (again).
JOHN P. WARREN: Progressives and American Exceptionalism.
NO. NEXT QUESTION: Does anyone listen to James Clapper?

Why would anyone listen to a known liar?
OOPSIE: Would you rather have a car or tea (or air conditioning)?
IF YOU'RE GOING TO READ HILLARY'S NEW BOOK, read this review first. Now for What Happened: the reviews comments are brutal.

More here.

UPDATE: A simple summary for Progressives:

I FOUND TRUMP'S WALL: it's between the New York Times' editorial and news staffs.

I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago; just forgot.
DID IRMA HIT SAN DIEGO? Awash with ‘fecal matter’ due to lack of public toilets and surging rates of homeless people.

Maybe it should have - it looks like San Diego could use a good cleansing....
MORE, PLEASE: Ryanair passenger chokes out disruptive flyer, whole plane cheers.

Monday, September 11, 2017

CABLE NEWS sends political analysts into the eye of the storm.
I’d wager there are more than a few conservative viewers who wouldn’t lose any sleep if Chris Hayes or Chris Cuomo went off the air, but nobody wants to see them exit that way.
Nobody? I'm not so sure about that.
TECHNOLOGY: a Martian-inspired tripedal walking robot.

I would add that Heinlein's Red Planet also had tripedal Martians.
9/11: A Dartmouth remembrance.

It's a pity the college is no longer worthy of its graduates....
YES. NEXT QUESTION? Have colleges completely lost their minds?

Watch the video trailer.
"I HAVEN’T BEEN WATCHING CNN, but folks on Facebook and Twitter say they seem disappointed that it wasn’t the MONSTER SUPERSTORM OF DEATH that they promised."

But, but ... We were promised a catastrophe. We bought popcorn. Those damned southern hick hillbillies disappointed us again by not living down to our expectations.

As someone who now lives in northern Georgia, I now have the honor of being one of those downtrodden hillbilly hicks.
INSTAPUNDIT remembers 9/11. This comment warrants repeating over and over again:
One thing I guess I didn’t believe 16 years ago is that America would elect such a feckless President in 2008, and stand idly by while he flushed our global position, and security, down a left-wing toilet. But we did, and we’ll be paying the price for a long time.
Obama should go down in history as the first - and hopefully only - President to commit treason against his own country.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

THIS QUESTION should have been asked about (former) President Obama.

Friday, September 08, 2017

JERRY POURNELLE passes. He was not my favorite sci-fi author, but I always found his stories solid, well-founded in science, and with strong, believable characters.

WHAT AN UGLY LITTLE SNOT: Follow the links to the Daily Mail article. More here.

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


Taken from PowerLine's Week in Pictures.
MICHELLE MALKIN: "Reminder: You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out."

It's damned hard to do, there's so much stupid out there....

Sunday, September 03, 2017


All they can do is take - and destroy.
BEWARE OF HURRICANE HARVEY SCAMS: Nonprofit fundraises for . . . abortion?
A HEARTWARMING STORY: Returning the favor.

Friday, September 01, 2017