Sunday, December 27, 2009

A LESSON FOR LIBERALS: “The free market is a harsh mistress, but a fair one. Big Government, on the other hand, is always for sale to the powerful.”

But liberals won’t – can’t – learn. Liberalism is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting that this time, the outcome will be different.


  1. I looked at your background and learned "Dr. Hankamer is a 60-ish engineer and technical staff member of a Washington DC defense-oriented research center." So your criticism of Big Government rings hollow. Without BG you would likely be out of your job and in the search lines. If BG is so offensive to you, why don't you try something else? Hubbard said it best: If you want to criticize stop taking the man's money and leave, then criticize to your heart's content.

  2. And your point is?

    Perhaps you should have followed the link I provided; you might then have realized the criticism was not of "Big Government" but of the liberal mindset that believes that more government is the solution to every problem.
