Tuesday, August 31, 2021

LA TEACHER'S UNION PRESIDENT: 'Our babies may not have learned all their times tables' but 'they know the words insurrection and coup'.

Perhaps learning their multiplication tables ['times tables'] is more important to their education?
THEY FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT? Australia's 'covid zero' policy is 'not a sustainable way to live'.
IS HE NAIVE OR STUPID? A lesson for Joe Biden.

I'd vote for stupid, but 'and' works as well....
THE AGE OF THE CAR IS GONE, that of the SUV has succeeded.
The United States started the trend. SUVs took up 1.8 percent of the U.S. light-vehicle market in 1975, rising to 5.1 percent a decade later and to 18.9 percent by 2000. The financial crisis of 2008 induced only a small dip and by 2010 SUVs made up nearly 30 percent of all sales and reached half of the market in 2020.
Judging from his biography, the author is roughly my age, yet he clearly disremembers the SUVs [suburban utility vehicles] of our youth: back then they were called station wagons. I haven't bothered to look up the data, but I'll bet in the 1950's and 60's station wagons took up a larger than 1.8% share of the automobile market.

Evolution happens. The author didn't.
HINT -- NOT WELL: An update on how the Philidelphia Inquirer's woke newsroom mission is going.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: America is relilient, but is resilience enough?
FEET, TO VOTE WITH: A record number of parents opt out of public schools.

Now, if only the public money followed the students....

Good riddance to government [teacher] unionization.

Why she hasn't been shitcanned like Col. Scheller is beyond me.

Yes. About this professor....

As it should be.
A BETTER RETORT. "If Larry Elder is ‘the black face of white supremacy’ in California; then is Gavin Newsom is the white face of Black Lives Matter?"
PROOF THEY NEED THEIR BUDGET DECIMATED ZEROED: CDC to restart gun violence research.

Don't give them a damn dime until they can verify that every coronavirus has been completely and permanently eradicated.

MORE: Strike the above; make employees pay the CDC for the 'privilege' of working there.
IN THEIR CONTINUING SEARCH FOR ANOTHER INSANITY TO LATCH ONTO: It's time to reconsider air conditioning for the sake of 'cooling justice'.

So build a log home (by hand) in the middle of a forest. Except for the fact that they require trees to build, they're inherently environmentally friendly. (I know; I live in one.)

Just be sure that you don't use any of those nasty carbon-emitting power tools in construction. And no roads or neighbors -- both promote those nasty heat islands.

Idiots. Thoughtless Brainless idiots.

Monday, August 30, 2021

BOOTS V. SUITS: Go with the boots.
AFGHAN INTERPRETER: Taliban beating women outside Kabul airport.

So they should just identify as men. Problem solved.

(Yes, I know. It's a flip remark, unkind to the Aghani women, but it accurately describes the progressive Left.)
THE DANGER of Biden's fragile ego.
Weakness begets weakness, and poor decisions beget more poor decisions. Biden has always stood for one thing and one thing only: His own narcissistic political advancement. Until now, it was pathetic and pitiable. Now, it's deadly.
THE CDC doesn’t deserve trust on masks.

The CDC doesn't deserve trust, period.
RESIGN. Just ... resign.

TO BE FAIR, DeBlasio did accomplish something useful.

What I find interesting (as a Medicare 'enrollee') is the statements I get from Medicare following (usually months later) each covered procedure. As a general rule, the statement shows how much was charged, how much Medicare allowed (and paid), and how much the patient can be billed (usually 20%). The ratio of billed to allowed is typically about 10 to 1.

Guess who's paying the difference?
ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL TO MARICOPA COUNTY: Give up election information or lose state’s $700M.

Get the data and keep the $700 million anyway.

Linked from Instapundit.
President(ish) Joe Biden.
YOUR ELECTRIC CAR CAN (WILL?) set your house on fire.

So -- the interesting question is "Will California burn down before the next earthquake takes it out to sea?
IEEE SPECTRUM: The joy of disobeying yoour phone. The road less traveled is almost always the better road.

Frankly I'm somewhat surprised by this post, since the IEEE went 'woke' Left years ago.
DON'T TRUST; verify.
I'M NOT ALONE: Nuke ’em from orbit.
I DON'T KNOW. Can America survive the Biden administration?

As has been said many times before, hope is not a plan.
Watching the Biden and Harris team of socialists move in was frightening enough, but the last seven months have been completely terrifying. Their cabinet secretaries are all radical leftists. Their CDC is completely incompetent. Their defense department lost Afghanistan with tens of thousands of American citizens left behind. Their irresponsible spending in the first trillion+ dollar "Covid" bill was bad enough, but long before that money has been fully spent, they're spending even more money we don't have. The "infrastructure" bill is a nightmare and along with the upcoming five trillion dollar reconciliation bill, they are going to bankrupt us all.

And the Washington press corps is a bunch of slobbering idiots crawling over each other to help the White House and Congress screw normal Americans.
Jonathan Garthwaite is the editor at TownHall. I thought the email was worth posting.
IT AIN'T 'EQUITY'; it's idiocy.

Even the Left is finally beginning to get the message.

I'm hopeful, but not optimistic.
FIRE THE GENERALS: The first step in saving our military.

All of them. Then start over.
CRITICAL RACE THEORY creates a hostile educational environment on account of race.

Is that legal? Only if you're a progressive. (And in control.)
OF COURSE: At least according to the health police.
BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: Oh, and let's fund the Taliban too.

Somewhere, some hurricane a long time ago, I suggested much the same thing. Prepare -- remove things that can blow away; sandbag; protect doors and windows; get extra water and food that needn't be prepared; get batteries; prepare to live without power for several days; then hunker down and wait til it's over.

What I'm seeing from the post-hurricane 'news' coverage appears (to me) to justify that attitude.

Also -- allowing authorities to scare you out allows them to keep you out.
CAROLINE GLICK: Joe Biden's catastrophic judgment.

How did America sink so far so fast?
BACK-TO-SCHOOL BASICS: Digital devices to keep tabs on 'woke' teachers.

I wish it were otherwise, but I fear that there are far too many classrooms in desperate need of them.
AMMO GRRRLL calls on us for small, pointless rebellions. Paraphrasing a bit, she writes:
Maybe all those small, pointless rebellions are practice for more urgent and important battles against those who would dictate to liberty-loving Americans how to live every minute of our lives. Remember that old typing exercise? “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country”? It is. And, by the way, we women always knew “men” included us.
She's right.
IMPRIMIS: Gender ideology run amok.

Seriously, how has USA come to the point where a miniscule minority of seriously mentally ill people dominate American civic life?

AMAZING: Boston Dynamics robots nail Parkour obstacle course.
THIS IS SAIGON 2.0, and it only took President Biden seven short months to get us to this point.

So next election, vote. Vote early (like Democrats), vote often (like Democrats), and vote Republican (unlike Democrats).

Sunday, August 29, 2021

RANDOM THOUGHT on the Weather Channel and other media coverage of hurricane Ida: "We're being stupid so you don't have to."
THEY (DEMOCRATS) HATE US. They really, really hate us.
WHERE ARE THE EDITORS? Seen on the Fox News website this morning:
(1) Hurricane Ida came ashore in southwestern Indiana, and

(2) an ad claiming to tell us all about the worst breads of dogs.
What ever happened to reading, writing, and arithmetic?

Thursday, August 26, 2021

RANDOM THOUGHT: The solution to the Afghan crisis is to nuke Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Can tar, feathers, rope and lampposts be far behind?
SO HISTORIC -- and unfortunately true.
CAN AMERICA SURVIVE another 3-1/2 years of President(ish) Joe Biden?

I'm skeptical.
A BIT OF GOOD NEWS: Toledo woman shoots would-be home invader.
WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO SAY about the comprehensive failure of the Biden presidency unfolding in front of our eyes?
PowerLine's Week in Pictures is a bit grim this week but go see them all anyway.

Finally, a reminder:
ANOTHER RANDOM THOUGHT: Cheating on the 2020 election doesn't seem to be working out too well for the Democrats.
RANDOM THOUGHT: I've never been ashamed to be an American -- until Biden's Afghanistan.

It's time to think seriously about leaving....

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

IT'S ALL THEY'VE GOT: Voodoo epidemiology at the CDC.
DEMOCRATS ARE HYPOCRITES, EPISODE 2,768,341: Why New Yorkers need to show ID with their vaccination cards.

But not to vote....
TRUMP COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER: “You know what ‘woke’ means? It means you’re a loser. Everything woke turns to shit.”

I miss mean tweets....
Found at Instapundit here.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: There's only one reason the president hasn't been impeached yet.

He's a Democrat.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The only good thing about the Afghan crisis is that it shut down the COVID police.


Friday, August 20, 2021

REPEAT AFTER ME: I pledge allegiance to our Fauci....
WASHINGTON POST: The “Field Of Dreams” is racist.
LIBERALISM DROPS ITS MASK. It only serves its elite masters.
TRY THE HEALING POWER OF 'AND': Pentagon confirms Biden's either lying to the American people or incompetent.
THEN I'VE BEEN DEAD FOR YEARS: Eating one hot dog claims 35 minutes off life.
THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION: Our name is 'failure'.
Taken from here.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The only thing the Left knows about compassion is how to spell it.
EXPLAIN TO ME WHY I SHOULD BE SURPRISED: A monthslong investigation into the 2020 presidential vote has found that Democrat-run cities and states used the COVID-19 crisis to change the rules that likely helped Joe Biden’s ascent to the White House.
RANDOM THOUGHT: I think I just bought my last tank of sub-three-dollar/gallon gasoline for the next 3-4 years (at least).
WHERE'S KAMALA? If she's smart, she'll resign before Biden is forced out.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

SO WHERE'S MY TERMINAL? Space-X president says Starlink global satellite broadband service to be live by September.
BIDEN, THE ANTI-TRUMP: Make al Qaeda great again.

But it isn't.
ASS-COVERING DIDN'T WORK, so now it's on to full denial.
AN INTERESTING ARTICLE TO CONSIDER: The struggle for owned space.

I wonder if the availability of more 'owned space' might be at least part of the reason suburbs, small towns, and rural areas tend to be more Republican. I suspect so.
ALTHOUSE ON AFGHANISTAN: My mother says we should buy a burqa.

A reminder from the comments:
The people who orchestrated the Afghanistan withdrawal want to run health care, transportation, energy, immigration, oh, and government itself. -- Anon
Keep that in mind....
From the Fox News cartoon page.
BUT THERE HAVE BEEN no mean tweets.
FUCK FAUCI: Fauci gives Americans another COVID hoop to jump through.
SEEN ON A BUMPER STICKER: "You Can't Fix Stupid". That's true, and the reason we must never let them in the driver's seat again. Don't even let them in the vehicle.

ANOTHER BUMPER STICKER: "When they comes for your guns, give them the bullets first".
FIRE THEM! FIRE THEM ALL. Instapundit is not happy.
That last cartoon says it all....
IT'S NOT JUST FOR BLACKS ANY MORE: Vaccine passports as 21st century slave passes.

Isn't slavery great?

Monday, August 16, 2021

KURT SCHLICHTER: Our woke military is a woke joke.

A bad woke joke....
RENTAL INCOME IS FOR ME, not for thee.
Found at the Fox News cartoon page.

No concessions. No compromises. No quarter.

Democrats, too.
DON'T GIVE THEM IDEAS: CNN praises Taliban for wearing masks during attack.

If it weren't for the fact that I know the Babylon Bee is satire....
THE LATEST FROM THE ALARMIST PRESS is that we must mask up and vax up because The Covid is growing. Thankfully Captain Obvious is alive and well in the comments:
FEAR is the entire point.
People who aren't fearful are free.
People who are fearful will do whatever they're told.
-- dfp21
Commenter dfp21 is exactly right. The whole purpose of this nonsense is to keep the sheep in the pen even though the gate is wide open.
FOLLOW? HELL, HE'S LEADING. Biden is about to follow Ford and Carter in the US Hall of Shame.
LARRY DAVID relieved to be uninvited from Obama's birthday gala.

Why? Wasn't "Thanks but no thanks" sufficient? It wasn't Hillary's birthday party....

Sunday, August 15, 2021

BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS lack mandate for their destructive, Leftist push.

They don't need -- or want -- a mandate; they only want control.
DON’T EVER BELIEVE for one second that liberals give a damn (about anything except power).
HECKUVA JOB, JOEY: Biden's no good, rotten week.
VENEZUELA, HERE WE COME: Looting the treasury is the final stage of a failing state.
UNEXPECTEDLY (OF COURSE): Diversity ‘bureaucrats’ outnumber history professors at top colleges.
From the Fox News cartoons page.
FROM LOS ANGELES: Antifa thugs clash with anti-mask protesters in bloody skirmish.

I hope I read it correctly that it was the Antifa thugs who got bashed, and that the LAPD did not interfere.
TEXAS FLEEBAGGER UPDATE: Texas House sergeant-at-arms and cops now searching for fleebaggers at their homes.
NARCISSISTIC LIGHTWEIGHT BOMBS: I'm suspect there are going to be a number of 'elites' who are going to be 'very,very quiet' about their attendance at Obama's birthday gala.
WE CAN HOPE: If the war on “domestic extremists” goes as well as the war on terror, the Proud Boys will have taken Washington, D.C. by next year.
RANDOM THOUGHT: For years I've been pointing out that Democrats always - always! - punish the innocent for the sins of the guilty. For proof, just look closely at the Biden administration.
FORMER DEFENSE SECRETARY BOB GATES reflects on President Joe Biden:
I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and
national security issue over the past four decades.
That quote was from 2014. It was true then; it's true now.

ADDED: I think you can delete the phrase 'foreign policy and national security' from Gates' quote and it would still be accurate.
[NAIVE] FEDERAL JUDGE on Friday ordered the Biden administration to "enforce and implement" the Trump-era remain-in-Mexico policy.

Is there any rational person still alive who believes the Biden administration will obey the ruling?
RANDOM THOUGHT: These dinosaurs are extinct.
This one is not:
The Sweet Meteor of Death (SMOD) worked; it's just taking longer than expected.
ONCE AGAIN: Green energy will fail.

But ... I might be willing to give it a shot if California, Oregon, and Washington (DC, too, for that matter) were to have every square inch of land area dedicated to wind turbines.

Noisy wind turbines.
AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD: How to choose a gun that's right for you.
WORK ETHIC? WHAT'S A WORK ETHIC? Democrats' policies are killing the American work ethic.
SUPREME COURT partiallly blocks New York's eviction moratorium.

Oh, I'm sure the Supremes will eventually find a penumbra somewhere in the Constitution requiring a permanent moratorium on evictions....

Saturday, August 14, 2021

AMERICA HAS OFFICIALLY GONE OFF THE DEEP END: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky refers to 'pregnant people' in vaccine tweet.

And don't get me started on 'chestfeeding'....

Nuts is inadequate to describe these loons.

MORE: Looney Tunes used to be a cartoon series; not a presidential administration.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Peak liberal hypocrisy edition. Two favorite hypocrites this week.
Now go see the rest. And rest assured we're far from peak hypocrisy.
AMERICAN ARMAGEDDON: A revolution is coming.

And at its current pace, it may (will?) get violent.
A TRILLION HERE, A TRILLION THERE and sooner or later you’re talking about real money collapse of this Republic.

I'm serious.
THREE CHARTS the COVID delta variant scaremongers don't want you to see.
So why isn’t this seemingly good news about COVID making headlines?

The public health community and leftist politicians don’t want to give up their newfound powers.

If COVID goes away, Anthony Fauci suddenly becomes just another annoying bureaucrat that nobody pays attention to.

And leftists, who have been able to boss people around and spend taxpayer money at levels no one would have ever tolerated before COVID, are loathe for things to get back to normal.

There’s also the fact that the current outbreak provides another chance for Democrats to score political points against Republicans....

Power doesn’t only corrupt. It is also highly addictive.
Repeat after me: "It's all about control." Period.
WHY THERE WERE no official pictures of Obama's birthday bash.
INSTAPUNDIT: Worst. Insurrection. Ever. Follow the link for details; our ruling class should be ashamed, if not imprisoned.
SEEN ON TWITTER: "It sure would be nice to wake up to a few mean tweets, a secure Southern Border, cheap gas and a President who knows what day of the week it is."

-- Lauren Boebert [R-CO]

Umm, not quite. The Texas Senate passed the bill March 12 after overcoming a Democrat filibuster.

House Speaker Dade Phelan signed arrest warrants for the 52 Democrats who did not return during the fourth day of the House’s second special session. As of Thursday, the House fleebaggers have lawyered up (probably at taxpayer expense) to prevent the warrants from being served.

Texas has gone from being a state I loved to one I wouldn't willingly drive through, even nonstop.
BECAUSE COVIDIOCY: The coming crabcake crisis.

The crisis is real -- and not with just crabcakes and restaurants -- it's everywhere. Big box, grocery, hardware stores, all. The bigger stores may be short an item or two I buy for a day or so; littler ones, much longer. I've been to our local Dollar General to buy a grocery item or two and find the shelves fully stocked on Tuesday and empty -- literally empty -- on Thursday.

Employees I talk to tell me it's the supply chain. The supplies are there, but the manufacturing, processing, and distribution facilities don't have the employees to run at full capacity. (And the stores themselves don't have enough employees to keep their own shelves stocked; every one of them is hiring anyone with a warm body and the wherewithal to show up.)

Feel free to thank our government covidiots....
GAS [EQUIVALENT] TAXES -- AND CONTROL: Democrats put a per-mile 'transportation' fee in infrastructure bill. The reason being, ostensibly, that electric vehicles don't use gasoline/diesel and thus don't pay taxes for road use.

I've got a better idea.

Mandate (Democrats love mandates, right?) that all electric vehicles be charged at commercial EV charging stations, similar to current U.S. gas stations, of which there are roughly 115,000 in the U.S. Encourage/entice/subsidize them into adding/becoming charging stations. (As everyone knows -- or should know -- Democrats are very good at subsidizing.)

Then tax the EVs based on energy consumption, just as gasoline/diesel vehicles are taxed. One gallon of gasoline is roughly the energy equivalent of about30 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity, so a federal tax of 18.4 cents/gallon equates to something less than a penny a mile, depending on the automobile's average mpg rating.

An EV (assuming an 80 kWh capacity battery capable of a 300 mile range) has a 'fuel consumption' of roughly 0.3 kWh/mile so an equivalent tax of a penny/mile would be on the order of 3 cents/kWh.

A fill-up (recharge) would be something less that $3 for either class of vehicle.

And no paperwork. Or intrusive government monitoring.
BUT OF COURSE IT'S NOT A SUPERSPREADER EVENT: At least 63 people on Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for Covid-19 since Barack Obama’s maskless 60th birthday bash.

Looking online there appear to have been 300-500 guests at his soiree so, assuming all the cases resulted from the party the infection rate was about 18.0%.

Compare that with 2020's Sturgis motorcycle rally: the data I've seen indicates that there were about 414 infections (nationwide) that could be associated with the rally. The estimate of attendance over the multi-day rally was about 462,000. That's an infection rate of 0.09%.

Again, which one was the 'superspreader'?
MORE THAN YOU WANT TO KNOW about Biden's gangster government.

You voted for him, suckers. What pains me is that I also have to pay the price....
WITH OUR TAX MONEY, OF COURSE: Biden admin takes aim at DeSantis with cash offer for school districts that buck ban on mask mandates.

And probably illegally....

Friday, August 13, 2021

BUT WILL HE GO FIRST? Former Obama wingman Attorney General Eric Holder encourages Democrats to protest in the streets and get arrested for voting rights.

Lead, Eric. Lead the charge.
MASK BULLIES DON’T WANT TO PERSUADE YOU — they want to humiliate and rule you.

ANOTHER REASON THE MONEY SHOULD FOLLOW THE CHILD instead of having the child follow the money.
BUT, BUT ... IT'S A DOOMSDAY VIRUS: The state of Massachusetts had 100 'breakthrough' deaths; the median age was 82.5 and 73 had underlying chronic diseases.

So we must panic....
NEW YORK POST EDITORIAL: It's not about masks (and other commentary).

Read all the commentary and note the subtext: it's all about power. The Left is a collection of power-hungry Loons demanding that loons know best and therefore you must obey their lunatic demands.
IT'S CALLED THE POCKETBOOK: Gov. Ron DeSantis reveals his next move in fight against mutinous school districts.

I almost hope they're foolish enough to challenge him....
AND NOW IT'S GONE. ALL ... GONE: The great Leftist bully-boy hope.

It's Victor Davis Hanson, so don't miss a word.
WITH A SINGLE PHOTO, Space-X sends a not-so-subtle message to the FAA regulators.

Get out of the way.
IT'S CALLED 'HERD IMMUNITY': COVID delta variant spreads so quickly it 'runs out of candidates' to infect.
KURT SCHLICHTER ON RON DeSANTIS: "He’s the future, and the future will hurt, libs."
AMERICAN CAPITALISM: In South Dakota, all road signs lead to Wall.
HE'S NOT? CNN media reporter Brian Stelter hit for acting as ‘de facto’ company spokesman.

Read the whole post here
THESE ARE your COVID-proof 'sophisticates'.
WELL, PORTLAND, YOU GOT WHAT YOU DEMANDED: Antifa terrorists assault families at prayer event; police did not respond.

That should be a warning to Austin, TX, Portland's 'sister city', but they'll ignore it.
BECAUSE HE ISN'T A DOCTOR? AND HAS COMMON SENSE? Mike Rowe [Dirty Jobs] explains why he won't tell fans to get vaccinated.
"OUR COUNTRY’S RESPONSE TO THE COVID EPIDEMIC has been an unscientific embarrassment."

PowerLine calls it 'voodoo epidemiology' but I have more respect for the practicioners of voodoo.
BREAKTHROUGH (HIS THICK SKULL): DHS Secretary Mayorkas admits 'we're going to lose'.
THE HIDDEN VALUE of a 'woke' education.

Here's Oregon's plan to 'edjumacate' future bank robbers.
AMMO GRRRLL: Make them wear their brown pants.

Read it. You'll understand.
SURPRISED? I'M NOT. Democrats are racists.

And I agree, make the Democrat party pay reparations. Erase the stain forever.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about experts. Especially Democrat experts.
Linked from here.
BIKERS FOR $500, ALEX: Red State bikers and sophisticated celebrities.
DANA MILBANK blames Donald Trump for Rashida Tlaib's anti-Semitism. Taking insanity to a higher level.
SO JOIN CALIFORNIA IN FREEZING IN THE DARK: Through their own incompetence and corruption Illinois may lose two nuclear power plants and much of their power grid.
THE RIGHT needs a more confrontational politics.

Beat the Leftists at their own game. They need to be told to return to the children's table, sit down, and shut up.
CELEBRATE SCHMUCKHOOD: Tell Arnold he's welcome to return to Austria.
ARE SCHOOL MASK MANDATES WORTH IT if they lead to more kids attending class in person this fall?

They won't. I'm guessing (obviously), but my money is on fewer, not more.
EVEN SATIRE can't keep up with wokespeech.
FAUCI: Everyone will need COVID vaccine booster shots 'sooner or later'.

Only the intelligence-compromised will take him seriously.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FRONTIERS IN LINGUISTIC SENSITIVITY: the master bedroom. This quote says it all:
Serious question, Ben. Do you know anyone who equated "master bedroom" to slavery? Let's stop the bulls*t. We have real issues to confront. Slavery was 160 years ago. If it's omnipresent in your mind at this point, you're an idiot.
Now go read the whole thing.

Monday, August 09, 2021

THANK GOD I LEFT YEARS AGO. Like locusts, Hollywood stars and the tech elite are
swarming on in Austin.

My parents, who were long-time residents, must be spinning in their graves.
I'VE NOTICED: ‘Preppers’ quietly stock up for the ‘perfect storm.’

It may not be a 'perfect' storm, but a storm is certainly coming. In particular, I've noticed a lot of empty shelves in our neighborhood grocery stores. Many (most?) nonperishable/frozen foods in particular sell almost as fast as the shelves can be restocked. For the major stores with daily deliveries, restocking is usually next day - maybe two - but I've been to our neighborhood Dollar General store many times recently only to find the shelves empty or nearly so.

Our cats are not happy; their favorite soft food is oftentimes not available. (I'm told by one of the store managers that the manufacturers cannot hire enough employees to operate at full capacity - because COVID and overgenerous unemployment compensation.)
OBAMA KNOWS: Masking is for peasants.
THE PICTURE SAYS IT ALL: Slow No learners on the Left.

(Lede corrected)
SUCK IT UP, SUCKERS: You have to pay for my police protection but you can't have any for yourself.
WHAT? Most voters live outside the Washington D.C. bubble?
SO THAT'S THE REASON: Politicians officially exempted from lockdown rules since Lizard People can't catch COVID.

For example.

It's no wonder the Babylon Bee is described as "America's News of Record".
ROCKS ARE RACIST? University of Wisconsin-Madison removes massive rock from campus after 'racism' claims.

Those students are too stupid to attend kindergarten, much less college.
UMM, YES: Did the CDC Director just accidentally admit that vaccination passports are futile?

The percentage of vaccinated and non-vaccinated people hospitalized is identical to the vaccinated/non-vaccinated population.
Read the whole thing.
FIGHT NIGHT: Kamala v. Mayor Pete.

Can't they both lose?

Sunday, August 08, 2021

Forever is 3-1/2 years. Hope for the best; the alternative is worse. Now go see the rest.
IS THE TEA PARTY returning?
YES. Follow the science.

Real science.
NBC CONFRONTING 'WORST-CASE SCENARIO' as experts blame 'woke' protests for Olympics ratings nosedive.

No surprise at all, and I blame NBC (and all the 'woke' MSM) for encouraging it. I hope they lose money. Lots of it.

'Wokeness' shouldn't pay.
WHY GETTING YOUR CAR FIXED is about to get even more expensive.

Sorry, but in my opinion the real problem is that you can't get your car repaired without having to go to the dealer. With every car now run by computer, only the dealers have the diagnostic software - and they're not letting go.
TWO PURPORTED REVELATIONS appear to bode ill for conservative media’s flagship network [Fox News] and establishment Republicanism.
There’s a sense of a troubling entrenchment on the right suggesting that former conservative behemoth FNC and the braintrust of the GOP no longer consider the best interests and choices of the American people a top priority.
I'm suspicious of the first revelation (about Fox News), although I've added Newsmax and others to my daily reading list, and the second (that the RNC has gone 'deep state') is the reason why all my political contributions now go to Donald Trump for distribution at his discretion.
RANDOM THOUGHT: I hate to say it, but I'm at the point of beginning to want to leave the United States of Wokeistan and move somewhere more welcoming.

(And take my money with me.)
DeSANTIS BLASTS BIDEN: "I am standing in your way."

It's a YouTube video, so there's an initial ad, but watch anyway.
KEVIN DOWNEY: Democrats vs. the Constitution.

Constitution? They don't need want no stinkin' Constitution.

All business owners, actually.
BULLARKY: Richmond [VA] mayor blames legal gun owners for soaring homicides.
AND THEY'RE ALL ON THE LEFT: These 12 high-profile politicians got caught violating their own COVID rules.
PREDICTION - THEY WON'T: The GOP should revolt against lame duck Pelosi’s dictatorship.
A LEXICON of leftist Newspeak.
LEFTIST ARROGANCE has no bounds.
A DAY IN THE LIFE of a low- no-information voter.
LAUREN BOEBERT [R-CO] OPPONENT is a veterinarian who works in Wyoming and claims her hospital is filled with COVID patients.

Twitter is awash with this kind of astroturf nonsense.

But of course Jack Dorsey won't ban it....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Wokeness is many things, but increasingly it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering and utter incompetence.

Emphasis on utter incompetence.
NOW LARGE GROUPS of vaccinated people are deemed too risky.
The DNC-MSM needs the fear porn for ratings to overcome their post-Trump slump. And President Klain’s administration needs to keep up the pressure on Americans because their ideology is built around the moral equivalent of war and “never let a crisis go to waste,” and are hanging onto the pandemic as a way to control and manipulate citizens.
Far too many of us are fools for even listening to them.
FAIR WARNING: IT WORKS THE OTHER WAY TOO. A 'no buy' list for conservatives and other hate groups?

Saturday, August 07, 2021

AMMO GRRRLL: And you still believe in witches?
IMPOSSIBLE: Imagine if they hadn't lied to us for the last 18 months.

They can't not lie.
ISSUES & INSIGHTS: In 7 charts, the Biden administration's accomplishments so far.

Spoiler: None.
NO MASKS! A winning GOP message for 2022 and beyond.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It’s time for mass noncompliance wherever needed.
The answer to mask mandates is for every rational person to treat the rules like Democrats treat our southern border: Pretend to agree, then totally nullify the system with blatant, widespread refusal to enforce anything.
I agree, and I will.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: What do we do with a president who refuses to enforce laws?
CALIFORNIA BANS ... technology?
THE MEDIA PRODUCES DERANGEMENT: Proof from New York Times readers.

Well, the climate change hysteria is having one positive effect - fewer fools in the future. That's long-term, but I'll take all the help I can get.
WORTHLESS PRECISION: On a foggy morning last week, the weather app on my cell phone told me the visibility was 109.4 yards at 8 am. I didn't go out to measure but I could easily see my neighbor's home which is at least 100 yards away. But then, the hourly forecast was equally precise (and equally precisely wrong).
THEY'RE JUST COGS, we're the machine.

Cogs are replaceable.
ANTIFA: If you're going to fight back we'll just cancel our protest.

OF COURSE IT WON'T BE A SUPERSPREADER EVENT: Photos of massive tent at Obama's mansion raise questions of 'scaled back' birthday party.

They're Democrats.
INSTAPUNDIT: Stop apologizing.

IT'S A MAD, MAD WORLD: Lockdown protests rock cities all over the globe.
BUT IT'S OKAY IF YOU WEAR A MASK: Study finds too much coffee can shrink your brain.
SPECTATOR WORLD: Twitter is a virus of the mind.

Put The Spectator World on your must-read list.

Five days ago: CNN’s "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter parrots White House talking points to scold the media for overhyping COVID risk to vaccinated individuals.

Five minutes ago: CNN headline reads "Top U.S. chains reinstate mask requirements".
MY SON AGREES: National Public Radio is a kind of mass torture experiment, one that makes the most patient and sensible people want to drive off the road in anguish.

I might agree too, except that I gave up on NPR years - and years - ago.
BLACK RIFLE COFFEE did not go 'woke'.

It was just the New York Times 'misinforming' its readers....
THIS COULD GET INTERESTING: Senate Democrats propose adding women to draft laws.
OUR TRUTHS ARE SELF EVIDENT. Yours are fake news.

Until you look behind the curtain....
RANDOM THOUGHT: Trump may have been brash, rude, and loud, but Biden is just plain mean.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

RANDOM THOUGHT: The only pandemic in America is the stupidity pandemic. And Democrats are highly susceptible to the stupidity virus.

Monday, August 02, 2021

THAT WAS THEN; this is now.

It's Victor Davis Hanson, so read it all. Carefully.
WASHINGTON, D.C. MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER plans to add 170 police officers to the city’s force amid rising violence.

She might also want to reconsider having painted Black Lives Matter on 16th Street NW near the White House.
FANTASY ISLAND FAILURE: Pro-Sanders group rebranding into 'Pragmatic Progressives'.

I've got a T-shirt that perfectly describes the Pragmatic Progressive (Marxist) movement: 'Same Trailer, Different Park'. You would think they'd eventually learn, but with an average IQ below the idiot range, learning is very, very difficult.
HUBRIS, MEET NEMESIS: U.S. women’s soccer team loses semifinal match after shaky Olympics run.
RANDOM THOUGHT: If the woke Left labels it 'misinformation' you can have confidence it's correct.

Sunday, August 01, 2021

HABITUAL PARKING VIOLATOR Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shuns Pelosi’s mask mandate and puts lives at risk.

The Washington Free Beacon does satire almost as well as the Babylon Bee.
RI-I-IGHT: CDC Director Rachelle Walensky says we just need two weeks to stop the Delta coronavirus variant.

A long two weeks....
HE'S GONNA BE SURPRISED: Fauci suggests people have no 'choice' regarding masks.

What a maroon.
SOWING THE WIND AND REAPING THE WHIRLWIND: California and its epic wildfires.

And California isn't alone.

Brought to you in part by the environmental lobby busily protecting all those furry Bambi-like critters by saving the forests from evil capitalism.
AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD: Ten reasons to turn your guns over to the government immediately.

Don't give 'em ideas, They're stupid enough to take them seriously....
LIKE HELL IT'S YOUR MONEY: Democrats look to crush states’ highway habit.
I think the federal government has every right to say look, it’s our money, and we are now in the process of redirecting and transitioning from a 1950s approach to something that more clearly reflects not just the moment, but the future.
I'll consider teleportation when it becomes available, but in the meantime the stores are 10 (or more) miles away and the only way to get there is in a personal car driven on a state highway.
A SHOCKING NUMBER of college graduates wish they had been taught more life skills.

Using the 'correct' personal pronoun isn't a life skill?
JUST GET RID OF KAMALA FIRST: Rep. Ronny Jackson [R-TX], ex-White House doctor, predicts Biden will be forced to resign.
ONLY PARTLY OWNED? 'Wholly owned' is more accurate.
SO THE U.S. IS A CORRUPT THIRD WORLD BACKWATER? On political class privilege corruption.

Well, it's closing in....